The 7 Main Underlying Causes of Dramatic Ailments.

With Just an Added Dash of Poison!


Brain Energy

If you read an enticing recipe—one complete with a mouth-watering photograph—and then you read as one of the ingredients, “Add just a dash of poison,” you’d not only refuse to make such a recipe, but you’d likely report the author of the recipe to authorities!

Every day, however, that’s what many food processors have included in their “recipes,” which they put in beautifully labeled packages and place on your neighborhood grocery store shelves. The dash of poison comes in the form of food additives. And very few people recognize they are being poisoned.

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Shocking Statistics Reveal: Our National Health Is Declining

For the first time in two hundred years, American children may not have life expectancies as long as those of their parents. Our children are experiencing rampant obesity, juvenile diabetes, and chronic diseases of all kinds in astronomical rates that are still rising. You may not be aware of these statistics for just the last thirty to forty years in our nation:

• Childhood asthma has increased over 200 percent. By the way this is easy to correct in most cases..Call my office for details..

• Childhood obesity is up 400 percent. Sharon’s book Train Up your Children in the way they should eat fixes this problem.

• Sixty percent of children tested just a few years ago had at least one cardiovascular risk factor, and 30 percent had two or more factors.

• Chronic illnesses in young people has increased almost 500 percent in the last forty years.

• ADHD, neurodevelopment disorders, and autism are becoming more and more common—these disorders rarely known before 1950.

Children are not the only ones, of course, who are seeing a rise in disease and neurological disorders. Autoimmune diseases (lupus, rheumatoid arthritis), certain cancers (including leukemia, multiple myeloma, and lymphoma), and a number of endocrine-related disorders have seen a geometric rise that is shocking.

There are 7 main causes underlying this dramatic increase in ailments:

1. Environmental toxins. The average person likely is unaware of the industrial toxins that surround him. These toxins come in the form of:

Pesticides Lead
Herbicides Aluminum
Mercury (Primarily immunizations) Cadmium
And other heavy metals and atmospheric gasses

Some of these toxins are found in our foods, of course. Fish, and especially shellfish, are known carriers of mercury. The scientific juries are still out when it comes to how much pesticide and herbicide content infuses the grasses on which animals graze, or clings to fruits and vegetables that make it all the way to supermarket bins.

There doesn’t need to be a “funny odor” in the air for you to be exposed to harmful chemicals that are known to cause bodily harm at the cellular level.

2. Poor nutritional content of many foods and beverages.

Our packaged foods and restaurant meals, laxative, anti-anxiety medication for the most part, are filled with too much sugar, too much fat, too little fiber, and too little actual nutritional value. Everybody knows the phrase “junk food”—and the vast majority of people believe they eat too much junk food—but they eat it nonetheless.

Diet drinks with aspartame? Visualize a dose of “formaldehyde” in every can. That’s what aspartic acid becomes in the body.

Most bottled fruit drinks? Visualize a heavy dose of fructose in every bottle. In other words, sugar to the max.

3. Too little exercise.

We remain a nation of sedentary people, in spite of decades of new exercise equipment, gym promotions, and doctors’ warnings.

4. Too much drug use.

I’m not only referring here to the widespread use of illicit drugs, but to overuse of medications. How many people do you know who get through an entire week without taking some form of antacid, pain killer,, or sleeping pill? How many people do you know who never drink alcohol? How many people do you know who still smoke Cigarettes, yet who will tell you they know smoking is harmful to health? How many people do you know who use illegal substances, fully knowing they are illegal?

5. Impure water.

In spite of the many bottled-water campaigns, many people are still drinking fluoridated water. Fluoride is one of the most harmful substances you can take into your system. (Waterwise 8800)

6. Too many vaccinations.

Our children are over-vaccinated, but so are older adults. Most vaccines still have mercury as their foundation. Mercury kills.

7. Excitotoxins added to foods.

Excito...what? Many people have never heard of this term. It is a word used to describe a number of substances based upon their action—and reactions—in the body. The sad fact is that excitotoxins have routinely been added to foods since 1945.

Excitotoxins Have Been Linked to Many Life-Threatening Conditions

Before we get too deep into explaining excitotoxicity, let me tell you that the excitotoxin process has far-reaching NEGATIVE effects. Excitotoxicity has been linked to:

Brain tumors Strokes Brain injury Meningitis
Encephalitis Schizophrenia Bipolar disorder Multiple sclerosis
Addiction behaviors Depression ADHD and perhaps autism Degenerative brain diseases

(including Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and Lou Gehrig’s disease)

In other words, this is serious stuff. And there’s more!

Excitotoxins have also been linked to:

• Diabetes

• Glaucoma

• Migraine headaches

• Metabolic syndrome

• Atherosclerosis

• Menstrual disorders

• Infertility

• Asthma

• Immune problems

• Cancer

Unfortunately, many physicians know very little—if anything—about excitotoxicity.

What Is an Excitotoxin?

Perhaps the best way to describe an excitotoxin—and excitotoxicity—is to share a story.

Two scientific researchers in 1957 were conducting an experiment to see if a common amino acid—glutamate—could help repair a diseased retina. They fed rats glutamate, also called glutamic acid, in the form of MSG (monosodium glutamate). What they found was a total shock: the retinal cells that allowed for vision disappeared after the rats ate MSG. In other words, they went totally blind!

The scientists reported these findings in an obscure ophthalmology journal and nobody paid much attention.

About ten years later, a neuroscientist, Dr. John Olney, decided to use their method of destroying retinal cells in order to study the visual pathways in the brain. To his surprise, MSG not only destroyed retinal vision cells, but also specific areas of the brain related to vital functions. He found that glutamate caused brain neurons to become overexcited—virtually “exciting themselves to death.” He named this phenomenon excitotoxity.

A great deal has been learned about glutamate and the brain since Olney’s work in 1968.

While a significant amount of damage caused by glutamate is in the brain, excess glutamate also impacts other areas of the body. It is being increasingly linked to obesity.

Excitotoxins and Obesity-In Dr. Olney’s original studies in 1968, he observed that all of the animals that were fed MSG as infants became grossly obese. This was observed across virtually every animal species used in lab testing. In fact, the finding was so dramatic and reproducible that if researchers today want to create obesity in a lab animal, they feed it glutamic acid!

Since the 1980s, Americans have consumed nearly 300,000 metric tons of MSG per year. In addition, they have consumed about 800 million pounds of aspartame per year. The amount of MSG consumed doubles about every decade.

Both MSG and aspartame are routinely found in foods, drinks, medications, and vaccines. One study projected that the amount of MSG and aspartame in foods eaten by children was equal to the amounts regularly used to produce brain lesions in animals for the study of neurodegenerative and brain disorders!

Sadly, the obesity produced by MSG (and other excitotoxins) is very difficult to combat by dieting; exercise also has little effect. Before a person can effectively lose weight and keep it off, that person needs to avoid ALL excitotoxins for a long period of time, allowing the brain to purify itself as best it can.

Glutamate...but, Not Too Much- Glutamate is one of the most common neurotransmitters in the brain. It keeps the brain alert and plays a major role in learning, memory, control of the endocrine system (hormones), and emotions. The brain has an elaborate system for keeping glutamate within brain cells, allowing only very small concentrations to escape during everyday brain function—and then after the glutamate has done its necessary work for the day, the brain has a system for removing it.

When glutamate is taken into the body—and thus, the brain—from food and beverage sources, it floods the brain with EXCEEDINGLY more glutamate than the brain needs or can use. Too much glutamate kills valuable neurons, and distorts the functioning of other neurons rendering them “maimed” but not dead.

Remember that MSG stands for monosodium GLUTAMATE. When you see the letters MSG, think brain poison.

A Little Goes a Long Way- Certainly human beings are not used in the study of glutamate. To do so would be criminal! But let it suffice to say here that the human brain is far more sensitive to toxic effects than the brains of laboratory animals. The human brain is five times more sensitive than that of the rat. It is twenty times more sensitive than that of the monkey. You can be assured that if a dose of MSG causes brain injury in a monkey, just one-twentieth of that same dose would cause injury in you!

Furthermore, the brains of unborn babies, infants, and young children are four times more sensitive to MSG toxicity than the brains of adults.

Let me elaborate just a bit on this point. Glutamate that is naturally occurring in the brain is vital to the development of the brain in babies and children—all the way until age 27 or so. During these years, the amount of brain glutamate fluctuates in the brain, and this oscillation is normal. Any disruption in the oscillation can have dire consequences. In young children, too much MSG can cause severe abnormalities, including short stature, small endocrine organs (pituitary, adrenal glands, thyroid, ovaries, testes, and pancreas), and a high risk of seizures and impaired learning. The glutamate in the hypothalamus controls most of a person’s developing hormones, which impact eating behaviors, temperature control, pain regulation, sleep habits, as well as the autonomic control of the heart, GI tract, lungs, and bladder.

Too much glutamate plays a significant role in ADHD and similar learning problems. The link has not been established with autism, but I have no doubt that dietary excitotoxin food additives greatly aggravate autism.

Are these negative conditions associated with excitotoxins reversible?  In some cases no. The degree of harm depends on the timing of the exposure and the dose. Exposure in the womb, or early in a child’s life, can have devastating effects throughout life. Exposure later in life can cause a different series of problems, and many of these are reversible.

Especially Dangerous in Combination-Year ago, people associated MSG with “the Chinese restaurant syndrome” and generally speaking, with headaches and digestive problems. People who didn’t get a headache after eating at a Chinese restaurant that used MSG assumed they were not sensitive to MSG. They were wrong. The effects of MSG occur silently and over years.

When MSG is combined with other additives, its detrimental effects are multiplied. For example, if MSG is combined with aspartame (the blue-packet sweetener), blood glutamate levels double.

Furthermore, MSG is found in virtually all packaged foods—from chips to frozen dinners to commercial soups. The more foods that are consumed with glutamate in any given meal, the greater the multiplication effect. Eating several foods with glutamate can increase blood glutamate levels twenty fold! Add a diet drink, and you’ve increased the blood glutamate level forty-fold...that’s 4,000 percent!

Not only does glutamate compound negatively in foods, but MSG and other excitotoxins increased the negative effects of other toxins found in the environment—including herbicides and pesticides, and the mercury that is used in making vaccines.

And here’s the bottom line: virtually all processed foods have one or more excitotoxins. Some have three to five. This is very common in soups, frozen dinners, and chips.

The federal law related to glutamate states that using anything less than 99 percent pure MSG can be labeled in ways that give no hint of MSG.

I listed a number of ailments that have been linked to excitotoxity. Let me add a few other conditions that are emerging in the scientific research.And If You Still Need More Convincing

Excitotoxins are being linked to insulin resistance (Type 2 diabetes), hypertension, and grossly abnormal blood lipid levels—especially high VLDL and LDL-cholesterol readings. These three factors taken together are now called “metabolic syndrome.” Almost fifty million Americans suffer from this syndrome, and the numbers are rising fast, especially among youth.

Atherosclerosis, also known as hardening of the arteries, is at epidemic rates in our nation. It is especially rising in twenty- and thirty-year-olds, who are having heart attacks and strokes in numbers not seen in previous generations.

Type 2 diabetes alone increases a person’s risk of having a heart attack by more than 360 percent—which includes increased risk of blindness, impotence, stroke, heart failure, and early death.

MSG and other excotoxins are at the root of all this. MSG produces an increase in free radicals and lipid peroxidation products that cause tremendous damage to the cardiovascular system. MSG also causes prolonged generation of free radicals that cause damage in the liver and kidneys, as well as the brain.

Sexual Dysfunction. MSG disrupts the endocrine control system that governs sexual function, and has been related to infertility in both men and women. The body has glutamate receptors that regulate the testes, semineferous tubules, and spermatocytes in a man, and the ovaries, follicles, fallopian tubes, and uterus in a woman—all of these are tissues and organs related to fertility. High blood levels of glutamate destroy these receptors.

Women with too much glutamate routinely have difficulty with menstruation, including excess cramping and bleeding. A little publicized fact is related to this: Soy foods and products have very high glutamate levels. Many women have taken soy products in hopes of balancing estrogen levels. There’s far more danger in soy related to glutamate than benefit in soy related to estrogen!

Men with too much glutamate routinely have abnormal sperm and reduced sperm production.

MSG and MS. Multiple sclerosis is primarily an excitotoxic disorder. The disease causes the brain to release large amounts of glutamate around nerve fibers, and this destroys the covering of the nerve (myelin sheath).

There is no evidence—to date—that shows MSG as a cause of MS, but researchers do know that high levels of blood glutamate and aspartate worsen the condition. In the areas where the myelin sheath has been damaged—called MS plaques—there is no protective blood-brain barrier to shield the area from toxins in the blood. Any excitotoxin food additives, and even foods naturally high in glutamate, can create problems for the MS patient. For that reason, MS patients are often advised to avoid pureed tomatoes, cheese, and mushrooms (especially Portobello mushrooms)—al of which are high in glutamate. Patients who avoid all additives and aspartame, and who avoid these foods, often experience dramatic improvements.

Excitotoxins and Neurodegenerative Diseases. The link between MSG and other excitotoxins is more indirect than direct when it comes to Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and Lou Gehrig’s disease —three of the most dreaded neurodegenerative diseases.

I don’t want to make this overly complicated, but the influence of environmental toxins is a stronger influence in these diseases than nutritional toxins. For example, Parkinson’s disease has been closely linked to several pesticides in animal studies and anecdotal human reports. (Rapid onset Parkinson’s disease was associated with pesticide exposure in the homes of six people, according to a prestigious neurology journal.)

The indirect link is this: As we age, several factors seem to converge in the body and brain. Inflammatory cytokines increase throughout the body (producing higher inflammation overall). Antioxidant defenses begin to decline. DNA oxidation is four times higher in the aged brain than in the young brain. Mitochondrial (brain) DNA is 10 times more sensitive than the nuclear DNA in other cells. The overall rate of free radical damage to cells increases dramatically, especially after age seventy.

As we age, our cells ALSO become more sensitive to the damage caused by excess glutamate. Rising blood glutamate has greater and greater impact if antioxidant levels decrease and inflammation increases.

The must-do conclusion: We must take in even more antioxidants as we age—both in our food and in our supplements!

Excitotoxins and Seizures. Brain seizures can be caused by a number of factors, one of these is over-ingestion of brain stimulants—including caffeine, cocaine, methamphetamine, and excitotoxins in our food and drink.

Seizures are often caused by over-activity of the glutamate neurotransmission system in the brain. Many of the newer anti-seizure medications work by blocking glutamate receptors or by lowering brain glutamate levels. Unfortunately, they often block some functions associated with memory and learning. Nutritional approaches modulate glutamate in the brain, rather than block glutamate.

The first line of treatment nutritionally is generally a complete elimination of all aspartame-sweetened drinks, avoidance of all MSG and similar food additives, and eating foods that are low in glutamate. At the same time, patients are often advised to increase significantly the amount of antioxidants they consume—both in foods and in supplement form.

Excitotoxins and Heart Conditions. Scientists have known for some time that “sudden cardiac death” is often associated with very low magnesium levels. What is “new” in this area is a growing understanding that when magnesium is lowered, the glutamate receptors in the heart become overactive and throw the heart muscle into abnormal beating patterns (arrhythmia). The heart muscle also becomes quite inflamed. Blocking the glutamate receptors prevents these reactions.

In addition, we know that the over-stimulation of glutamate receptors in the walls of the coronary arteries can cause arteries to spasm severely, which can lead to a heart attack. Again, low magnesium plays a critical part in this.

Meals high in glutamate can trigger both vessel spasms and abnormal heart rhythms.

If you have a history of abnormal heart rhythms (arrhythmias), you may need magnesium supplementation, which must be balanced with other mineral supplementation. Talk to an expert about this!

Excitotoxins and Cancer. In recent months and years, a growing number of studies are showing a connection between excitotoxin food additives and cancer—the growth of tumors, the invasion of cancer cells into healthy tissues, and the spread of cancer in the body. The initial studies involved malignant brain tumor (glioblatoma multiforma). Elevated glutamate levels in the vicinity of these tumors caused the tumors to invade the surrounding brain, resulting in faster death.

Glutamate receptors, of course, are now known to exist throughout the body, not just in the brain. Studies related to cancers of the lung, breast, prostate, colon, and skin (melanoma), and mouth have shown a higher rate of metastasis and larger tumors in areas with the highest level of glutamate receptors. Drugs that block glutamate receptors dramatically reduce the growth, invasion, and spread of these cancers in many people.

Sadly, many cancer patients are never told to avoid eating foods high in glutamate, or to avoid all MSG and other glutamate-associated food additives. They are also rarely told to increase their consumption of antioxidant foods and supplements. Glutamate receptors never need the “added excitement” caused by excitotoxins.

This is not only true for cancer patients, but for all of us.

Know What You Are Eating

What can we do?

Take a look again at the seven factors related to our declining health as a nation, and do the opposite!

1. Avoid environmental toxins! That includes mercury in vaccines.

2. Choose to eat and drink ONLY what contributes to health. Avoid everything else. Do not eat sugar or saturated fats. Do eat sufficient fiber. Do choose more fresh vegetables and other foods low on the glycemic index. Eliminate junk food. You wouldn’t eat out of a garbage bin. Don’t eat garbage that turns your body into a garbage bin.

As part of a healthful eating plan, avoid artificial sweeteners and excess caffeine, and especially avoid aspartame (blue-packet sweeteners).

3. Get sufficient fresh air and exercise.

4. Do not overuse medications. Get off all medications that you can safely eliminate from your life. Talk to your physician about what it might take to reduce the dosages of any medications that you take routinely as a prescription.

5. Drink sufficient pure distilled water.

6. Avoid vaccinations.

7. Read the labels on all packaged, processed, canned, and frozen foods. Do not purchase—and do not consume MSG and other additives!

Take supplements that support health, especially antioxidants and a balanced vitamin and mineral formula (that includes sufficient magnesium).

Of course this is just a start. Call my office for more detailed supplement guidelines.

Here’s my mission critical protocol to get you started:

1. Drink plenty of pure water to flush out urinary bacteria (six 12-ounce glasses a day). (What is "PURE WATER"? Find out here!)

2. Take Ultimate Multiple vitamins. If you are having surgery, you might want to select a vitamin that has vitamin K and iron.

3. Take 500 mg of Magnesium Glycinate twice a day. (If you have heart blockage or kidney disease, consult with your physician first.)

4. Health Masters GHI CleanseThis product has 26 grams of hypoallergenic pea rice protein (complete protein)




All of these high quality supplements can also be purchased by calling my office at 1-800-726-1834.

I remain sincerely,

Dr. Ted Broer

*This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Neither the information, nor any formula(s) mentioned are intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.