Avoid the Concealed Dangers in High-Fat Luncheon Meat
There are ten foods you should never eat if you want to live a long, healthy and energy-filled life. This is my list of deadly foods, and it wasn’t concocted on a whim; it is based on solid empirical research and decades of clinical medical histories detailing the treatment progress, lifestyles and diets of people fighting for their lives against cancer and other diseases.
Cancer is an immune system-related disease. In essence, we all “get cancer” every single day, but our own immune systems quickly search out and destroy these cancer cells under normal circumstances. We “get cancer” only when our immune systems break down or fail for some reason. (The activity of free radicals are the prime suspects in most cases.)
Once a diagnosis of cancer has been made, the standard cancer-treatment protocols used in the United States include surgery, chemotherapy, radiation treatments or a combination of the three. Unfortunately, chemotherapy and exposure to radiation therapy tend to weaken or compromise the immune system, making it very difficult for people to recover from cancer in some cases. When cancer patients ask me how to build their immune systems, they are given “Ten Foods You Should Never Eat” list.
High-fat luncheon meat rank number one on the list. The list includes all pork products such as bacon, sausage, ham, pepperoni and hot dogs.
Maybe your response is, “Oh, come on, Ted! We love those foods. Our kids eat these foods all the time. Most of them are lower in fat now, and they really taste good!” I know what it is like to groan over the need to give up pork products and processed meats. My parents migrated from Germany in 1952. My first language was German, and I was raised on sauerkraut, wiener schnitzel and pork chops, plus mountains of hot dogs and sausage and everything else ingenious Germans can make with pork and pork by-products. (My dad used to jokingly say to me, "Son, if you like sausage, never watch us make it.")
Let me ask you a question: How did my child-hood diet affect my health by the time I was twenty-seven years old? I told you that I nearly died of a heart condition, even though I was a highly conditioned athlete. How can I be sure my health problem had anything to do with pork products or high-fat luncheon meat? I know it did, because when I stopped eating pork and processed meats (and shellfish), my life-threatening heart problems quickly improved and ultimately disappeared—even though my doctors couldn’t touch the condition with conventional antibiotics and other drug therapies.
It doesn’t get any worse than pork. If there is one thing you learn from this book, let it be this: Don’t eat pork. A pig is absolutely unfit for human consumption! It never has been fit, and it never will be. As far as I’m concerned, pigs were put here by God as scavenger feeders to help clean up the environment, but they were not put here for humans to eat.
According to Carey Reams, a noted author and biochemist, one of the problems with pork and high-fat luncheon meat is that these foods digest too quickly in the human digestive system. They are literally too hot for the body to handle. They actually slow down the body’s ability to fight off disease and cancer through the immune system. That makes it a big problem, because pork is used in a lot of foods most people overlook.
You might be surprised to learn that many people don’t associate ham with pork. They just don’t think about the connection. Most people don’t realize that pork is the main ingredient in the number one pizza topping in America (and my former first choice as well) –pepperoni. You will recall that even as I was dying with a heart disease at age twenty-seven, I insisted on eating all the pepperoni slices my nutritionist friend, Jeff, had picked off of his pizza. I told him, “Jeff, I can’t believe you’re throwing away the best part!”
How ironic. I was dying of a heart disease that was probably instigated by my lifelong consumption of pork and high-fat luncheon meat like pepperoni, and I was telling Jeff he was throwing away the “best part.” That sounds like Charlie Tuna telling the rest of the school of tuna, “Hey, the hook is the best part! I can’t believe your leaving it!”
I learned the hard way, but I don’t want you to have to go through what I did. Avoid the high-fat meats and pork products. They are absolutely unhealthy. Let me give you several reasons why.
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Bacon, perhaps the most popular pork product in the average grocery store, is loaded with sodium nitrite. This is the same preservative that appears in most high-fat luncheon meat. I am a biochemist, and thinking about what happens to sodium nitrite when it reacts with your stomach acids makes my very, very concerned. Do you know why? Sodium nitrite reacts with the powerful acids in your stomach to form nitrosamines—one of the most potent cancer-causing agents known to man.
It is no accident that the cancers affecting the digestive tract—particularly colon, pancreatic and stomach cancer—dominate the mortality charts. In my professional opinion, these deadly cancers are directly related to the high-fat foods we eat (Many of which are “Preserved” with sodium nitrite) and to the lack of fiber in the typical American diet.
As we learned in a previous chapter dealing with dietary fiber, meats literally can sit in the colon for extended periods of time (sometimes for weeks) before they are expelled from the body. This has clearly been associated with an increase risk of colon cancer. Smoked, pickled or salt-cured meats further compound the problem. Yet you will find them in abundance in the luncheon meat section of every grocery store in America.
The National Academy of Sciences issued a report warning the medical community and the American public that these processed meats contain two chemicals definitely shown to cause cancer in laboratory animals: nitrosamines (Sodium nitrate) and polycyclic hydrocarbons. These chemicals are used in the processing of these meats and should be avoided, especially if you have a low-fiber diet. The association between these chemicals and cancer is so strong that is would be foolish to dismiss this warning given by the National Academy of Sciences in 1982.
Again, I personally believe that pork is not fit for human consumption even if the animals are fed grain and raised on sparkling clean floors. Pork, pork products and high-fat luncheon meat should be avoided at all costs.
Why is pork getting such rough treatment by a prestigious research institute? In a clinical article title “The Adverse Influence of Pork Consumption on Health,” German Professor Hand-Heinrich Reckeweg, M.D. wrote:
Pork should be regarded as an important homotoxin (human poison), which initiates activation of the body’s defense mechanisms. These defensive measures then manifest themselves in a variety of illnesses. Furthermore, from published reports, it became apparent that several constituents of pork behave as homotoxins or as stress factors, hence, for them, the term “sutoxins” appeared justified.
Next time you take a big bite out of that BLT sandwich, sausage biscuit or tasty bacon strip, remember that you are flirting with danger. What I am about to tell you may cause you to change your opinion about certain kinds of food. Professor Lette, a pathologist at Heidelberg University, one of the top research universities in the world, conducted a unique experiment using radioactive isotope tissue labeling. It involved labeling specific foods with radioactive atoms or substances so their movements through the human body could be accurately traced. Professor Lette conducted experiments with “living-cell therapy” to test the theory that the animal tissues humans consume will ultimately migrate to a similar location in the body of its human host. His study showed that radioactively labeled animal tissues from key organs and glands, upon being absorbed by the body, generally migrate to the equivalent position where they belonged biologically in the animal that had been eaten.
Letter’s study uncovered patients who had eaten a great deal of bacon from the pig’s neck. These patients showed typical fatty folds on the back of their own necks. I know this sounds far-fetched, but this is a research finding from Heidelberg University.
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The same phenomenon was true of patients who regularly consumed bacon, which is derived from a pig’s stomach area. They began to develop thick bulges of fat on their own stomach areas. Furthermore, people who ate ham, especially women, showed irregular deformation in the buttock and hip areas, never realizing that ham was the cause. Basically the findings are saying, “If you want to look like a pig, eat a pig.” I mean, come on, do you really want to go there?
The New Testament contains an interesting passage that describes a vision received by the apostle Peter approximately ten or fifteen years after Jesus’ resurrection. The tenth chapter of the Books of Acts records the story of Peter’s vision, when he saw a sheet being lowered from heave that was filled with some of the animals the Bible classifies as “unclean” foods:
He saw the sky open, and something like a large sheet was let down by its four corner. In the sheet were all sorts of animals, reptiles, and bird. Then a voice said to him, “Get up, Peter; kill and eat them.”
“Never, Lord,” Peter declared. “I have never in all my life eaten anything forbidden by our Jewish laws.”
The voice spoke again, “If God says something is acceptable, don’t say it isn’t.” The same vision was repeated three times.
-Acts 10:11-16
What was Peter’ response” “Never, Lord,’ Peter declared. ‘I have never in all my life eaten anything forbidden by our Jewish laws’” (Acts 10:14). Peter was still following God’s dietary principles years after Christ had been resurrected. What does that mean? If you turn to Acts 10:28, you will see where Peter says, “You know it is against the Jewish laws for me to come into a Gentile home like this. But God has shown me that I should never think of anyone as impure (or unclean).” In other words, Peter’s vision had nothing to do with animals. The animals were used purely as symbols to illustrate a deeper truth concerning the equality of all mankind in God’s eyes.
God did not send Christ to sanctify pigs—it didn’t happen. We have convinced ourselves that it is OK to eat the only living animal Jesus ever killed according to Bible evidence. In Mark 5:13, He sent demons into a herd of swine, and two thousand pigs plunged to their death. Jesus didn’t even bat an eyelash, even though the local pork farmers were so outraged because theirs source of commerce had been destroyed that they asked Jesus to leave the region. How could Jesus, who miraculously fed five thousand people and then warned his disciples not to waste any of the scraps, be so unfeeling about “wasting” two thousand pigs? The answer is simple: He did not consider the pigs to be a food source. He knew pigs shouldn’t have been raised there anyway.
Actually, there was a big pit outside of Jerusalem where the townspeople threw all their garbage and excrement. Jerusalem didn’t have running water or toilets in those days, and there were too many people for the city to follow the usual sanitary procedures of burying bodily excrement. The solution was to confine all human excrement in buckets, which were then dumped into the pit outside the city boundaries. Guess what was waiting at the bottom of Jerusalem’s refuse pit looking for their next meal? Pigs.
The physical, biochemical and biblical problems with pork are bad enough, but we make matters worse with the chemicals we use to process the stuff. Remember, cancer is the leading cause of death among children who are fourteen years old or younger—except for accidents. You may be shocked to know that the United States has the highest infant-death rate of any industrialized nation on the face of the earth! The reason these statistics have become so grim is that in many cases we start off our lives with poor prenatal nutrition, followed by even worse childhood nutrition, which then manifests itself in the highest degenerative disease rates of any industrialized country. For our adults, what is wrong with this picture?
Once again, the active carcinogen in hot dogs, luncheon meat and sausage is sodium nitrite. This chemical is so lethal that a pregnant woman can increase the risk of brain cancer in her infant by eating hot dogs. Why are these products still on our grocery market shelves? The sad truth is that we have some serious health problems in this country that are pretty much going unaddressed by the federal government. We need to realize that our health is our most valuable asset and that our health is our own responsibility. No one cares about our well-being and the well-being of your loved ones as you do, so the ultimate responsibility is yours. I heard an old Baptist preacher say one time that every pot sits on its own bottom.
Another reason to avoid high-fat luncheon meat may be the percentage of rat or rodent hair that can appear in the sausage and luncheon meat you eat. I do not want to do this, but I have to break the news to you that rats do not get haircuts. They do not have access to barbers. The way you get your minimum daily requirement of rat hair is for an entire rat to fall into the grinding vats. So the next time you go to a ball game and order a corn dog, you may as well order a rat on a stick! (I hope you’re not eating breakfast.)
You may have guessed by now that I am not your average nutritionist. Sometimes I feel like a cress-eyed discus thrower. I am not set any records, but I will definitely deep the crowd alert! My point with all of this is that rats are unhealthy; therefore, hot dogs are unhealthy.
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Several years ago, I met a young girl in the baggage claim area at Orlando International Airport who was returning to the Mayo Clinic. She was only eight or nine years old, and she was wearing a ski cap. I knew why she was wearing the cap when I saw that she didn’t have any hair, so I asked her, “May I ask you what kind of problems you have?”
“Well, I have cancer,” she said. “I’ve been at the Mayo Clinic undergoing cancer therapy.”
“What have the physicians told you about what you should and shouldn’t eat?” I asked.
She shrugged and said, “They told me to eat anything I want to eat. They said it doesn’t matter what I eat, because food has nothing to do with cancer.”
I looked at that precious little girl and said, “That’s their opinion, but let me ask you a question: What foods do you eat?”
She looked up at me with her beautiful eyes and said, “All I eat are Twinkies, Ding Dongs, some hot dogs and diet sodas. That’s it.”
I thought to myself, No wonder this girl has cancer. How in the world is she supposed to support her own immune system so that her body can recover from cancer when she is eating that kind of junk? I am sad to say that counsel she received reflects the general nutritional ideas most common in this country.
Another one of my colleagues tells me this account: There was a ten-year-old boy who was diagnosed with bone cancer and had his left leg amputated. The boy’s parents asked their doctor, “What caused this?”
The doctor shook his head and said, “Well, we don’t know what caused it.”
The parents then asked, “Do you think nutrition could play a role in this?”
The physician confidently told them” Oh, no. Nutrition has nothing to do with your son’s cancer.”
Ask yourself this question, If the doctor already said he didn’t know what caused the boy’s cancer, stating that he didn’t have any idea about the cause of the cancer, then how could be so confidently rule out the nutrition?
Only five hundred years ago or so, the leading scientific minds of the age universally confirmed that the earth is flat. Anyone who disagreed with them face excommunication and possible death. (Some of the early astronomers whom we revere today faced threats of excommunication if they held to their then-radical theories about the earth being “round.”)
We all have “flat spots” in our thinking where it is easier to dismiss things that challenge our established viewpoints. The problem with the tendency of many healthcare professionals to dismiss poor nutrition as a factor in disease is that medical statistics and disease patterns say otherwise. We are leading the world when it comes to heart disease, diabetes and caner, despite the fact that we also lead the world in medical technology and skilled medical care! Something is seriously wrong with this picture.
Virginia Livingston-Wheeler, M.D., established the Livingston Foundation Medical Center in San Diego, California, in 1969. Her research and unconventional theories about disease prevention and cancer treatment through revitalization of the human immune system were dismissed and criticized by some members of the medical profession at the at that time.
The Foundation’s cancer clinic and innovative Immunotherapy cancer-treatment program have even been listed as a “quack treatment” for cancer by some groups (although without thorough documentation and with little or no reference to the program’s success rates). These critics were embarrassed when respected mainstream researchers supported many of Dr. Livingston-Wheeler’s theories and research findings through rigorous medical studies released in the orthodox journal, Cancer, published by the American Cancer Society. Sometimes, you have to stick to your guns no matter what the “crowd” says:
Remember that pork products and high-fat luncheon meat are foods we definitely need to avoid. They are foods that aren’t going to help us at all as far as maintaining a healthy body chemistry. They are foods that we would be a whole lot better off simply avoiding and not putting into our system whatsoever.
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