Four Symptoms of Old Age That Are Caused by a Toxic Colon


by V. E. Irons

Exhaustion: Fatigue and exhaustion are the main symptoms of a toxic colon. Toxins from the colon will travel to the energy glands of the body (the thyroid and the adrenal glands) and slow them down immensely. As soon as this happens, you will gradually start to lose the pep and vitality you had in your youth. The sooner you clean out your colon, the sooner you will regain your youthful energy.

Facial Wrinkles: Facial lines and wrinkles start right in the colon. Toxins from the colon will age the tissues of the skin and cause it to sag and wrinkle. The best way to keep your skin smooth and wrinkle-free is to start cleaning out your colon.

Poor Intimate Life: A toxic colon is one of the greatest causes of a poor intimate life. How could anyone fully enjoy sex when he has up to fifteen years of encrusted fecal matter and mucus in his colon? HE CAN'T-and HE DOESN'T.

I have gotten so many letters from people who regained the intimate potency of their youth after they went on my colon cleansing program. One woman wrote to me and told me that her husband wasn't going to divorce her now because their sex life had improved so much. Cleaning out her colon saved her marriage. It happens all the time. So if you want to remain intimately potent for your entire life, start cleaning your colon today. And if I can at my age, I know you can at your age, go get with it!

Infertility: One couple I know was not able to have a child in their fourteen years of married life. After both the husband and wife cleaned out their colons (it took them about a year), they were then able to give birth to their first child. They eventually had a second child. I was able to father a son at the age of 81 and the main reason I could do so was because my colon was clean.

HEALTHVIEW: Can food actually stay in the body for that length of time?

IRONS: You are darn right it can. Sometimes, even longer. Some people still have a part of the turkey dinner in them, they ate at Grandma's ten years ago. Pieces of the white meat, potatoes and stuffing are still "stuffed" in them. It might sound funny, but it is no laughing matter. I remember the herbalist, Dr. John Christopher, telling me the story of the man who went on a cleansing program and noticed that a certain type of berry came out of his colon. He was positive that the only place he could possibly have eaten this exotic berry was during the war on some South Sea island. That was more than twenty years ago!

"Most people are aging because they are walking cesspools. They are literally rotting and decaying from the inside out."

HEALTHVIEW: How exactly does a diseased colon cause premature aging?

IRONS: It's the poisons. That's what the problem is. Poisons from a toxic colon will travel to every part of the body such as the heart, the brain, the kidneys, and the liver and age these organs prematurely. There is no part of a person's body which cannot be affected by a toxic colon. The poisons from a backed up colon will eventually seep into every single cell in the body and cause grave health problems. What would happen if you didn't empty your kitchen garbage can for months and you kept on throwing more and more food on top of it? Wouldn't your entire house start smelling like a garbage dump? Well, the same thing happens with a constipated, clogged up colon. The stench and fumes will permeate the entire body-including your skin, your teeth, your eyes, and even your nerves. NO PART OF YOUR BODY IS IMMUNE FROM THE POISONS OF A TOXIC COLON. It is the toxic filth in our systems, which kills us. That is why people age so rapidly today-their own internal filth is killing them. Most people are aging because they are walking cesspools. They are actually rotting and decaying from the inside out.

"In my opinion, most medical doctors should have their licenses taken away until they start to treat the real cause of most people's problems-a diseased colon."

HEALTHVIEW: Does the medical profession agree with your views that poison can seep out of the colon into other areas of the body?

IRONS: Not at all. The doctors in this country seem to think that the colon is lined with thick stainless steel. They are actually taught in medical school that toxins do not seep out of the intestine. But this is totally 100 percent false. The colon is made of porous tissue. It is not lined with steel and concrete. Toxins do seep out of the colon and they enter the blood stream and poison and age the entire body.

HEALTHVIEW: Does the medical profession acknowledge that a toxic colon can cause any health problems?

IRONS: I doubt it. The medical profession knows very little about the colon. Most of them are ignorant on the subject-totally ignorant. In my opinion, most medical doctors should have their licenses taken away until they start to treat the real cause of people's problems-a diseased colon. Most of the drugs, medicines, and operations given today have never made any person's colon one bit healthier. If anything, they have only made the situation hundreds of times worse. You know, it is interesting that before the turn of this century, most medical doctors did understand something about the importance of a clean colon. Before about 1920, it used to be that any time a person was to have surgery, the night before, the nurse would give the patient an enema to clean him out. If any nurse happened to forget, she would be blackballed among the other hospitals. This is the way it used to be, but not any more. Why, today if you just mention the word colon to your doctor, he will most likely just laugh at you. You can be dead and long buried, and even then your doctor would never admit that your clogged colon had anything at all to do with your ill health.

HEALTHVIEW: If a toxic colon causes the problems you claim it does, then what exactly do you recommend that people do to clean it out?

IRONS: I have a simple two-step program. The first part is to take my intestinal cleaner twice a day. The second part is to use my colema board to do-it-yourself home colonic's. If your readers follow this simple two-part program, they will be able to clean a good part of the stagnant filth out of their colons in just 4-6 weeks. After that, they will feel at least a hundred times better than they feel right now. And best of all, they will begin to enjoy the energy they had ten to fifteen years ago or more.

"The intestinal cleaner helps to loosen the hardened, impacted fecal matter and mucus."

HEALTHVIEW: Let's talk about your intestinal cleaner first. What is it and what does it do?

IRONS: The intestinal cleaner is powdered psyllium seed. When you mix the powder with water, it swells up. It is best to drink the mixture as quickly as possible before it starts to gel. When this wet, gooey mixture goes through the intestine, it clings to the colon wall, holds moisture there, and softens and loosens the hardened, impacted fecal matter and mucus.

HEALTHVIEW: How often should a person use it?

IRONS: It is best to use one teaspoon of this in a tall glass of water at least twice a day. The more often you use it, the quicker you can clean your colon.

HEALTHVIEW: Is the psyllium seed the only seed, which will work?

IRONS: It is the only seed that works properly. I've tested everything else. In fact, I've even tested many different kinds of psyllium seed and the variety I use is the best. I get it from overseas.

HEALTHVIEW: What's the purpose of the colema board?

IRONS: The colema board is a small colonic unit. It enables a person to give himself a five-gallon colonic right in the privacy of his own home.

"If I can take home colonic's at 87, then just about anyone in the world can take them without any problems."

HEALTHVIEW: A colonic? That's complicated stuff. How is the average person supposed to learn how to give himself a "home colonic"?

IRONS: Once you do it two or three times, it becomes as easy as brushing your teeth. I mean it. My seven-year-old son, Robert, frequently takes home colonic's-all by himself. Now, if he can do it at seven without any help, then just about any grown-up in the world can do it. I'm 87 and I take them all the time. So if your readers are anywhere between the ages of 7 and 87, they shouldn't have any problems.

HEALTHVIEW: We've occasionally heard some bad things about colonic's; like people getting ruptured

colons or getting infectious bacteria from dirty instruments-that sort of thing.

IRONS: That's true, I have heard some of these stories myself. Without downgrading the whole field of colonic's, I'd like to say that there are some incompetent therapists. But there are in any field, so that is nothing new. Now, as far as my simple home unit is concerned, we have never had any problem whatsoever. It is completely safe. I could never imagine anything going wrong if it is used properly.

HEALTHVIEW: Can a person rupture his colon with your unit?

IRONS: I don't see how he can. As soon as there is the slightest discomfort at all, the person will know when to "let go" and dump the water. "Nobody should be scared of taking a home colonic. It is just as simple as taking an ordinary enema."

HEALTHVIEW: Can a person get any infectious bacteria by using un-sterile equipment?

IRONS: Not if they properly clean the insertable plastic tube each time. The whole problem of infection comes in when one person uses the "rectal piece" which was used by another person. We don't have that problem with our unit. The plastic "rectal piece" we use only costs $6.00 each, so every person can get one for himself.

HEALTHVIEW: Are there any other problems our readers should know about?

IRONS: None that I am aware of. If they follow the simple directions which are included with each unit, they shouldn't run into any problems. Of course, each person should use common sense. I could write a thousand-page book on how to use my colema board properly, and some people will still find a way to screw things up.

HEALTHVIEW: We just hope our readers can handle everything.

IRONS: Listen, I want to tell you something. No one should be scared of taking a home colonic. It is just as easy as taking an ordinary enema. I don't mean to sound harsh, but there are a lot of "adult babies" out there. These people will always manage to come up with some excuses why they should not do something or their own good. I don't have time for these types of people, and you shouldn't either. They will come up with an endless list of reasons why they can't take a simple home colonic. Leave the cry-babies alone. If these people are afraid of all the "horrors" that may happen to them when they stick a tiny plastic tube one "micro-inch" up their fanny, there is just not much hope for them. If people can't take a simple home colonic to clean out their clogged, constipated, putrid colons, then tell them to start looking for an old rocking chair and cane-because they are going to be reaching old age a lot quicker than they think-if they haven't reached it already. Your readers have to be serious about their colon. If they like to live in a polluted body, their health is surely going to suffer for it.

"For best results, it is best to take two colonic's daily for one week."

HEALTHVIEW: Does a person have to take a five-gallon colonic?

IRONS: Yes, you need at least five gallons each time to clean the colon out. Anything less won't get the job done. (The colon itself only holds about two quarts at any given time. More in some people, less in others.)

HEALTHVIEW: How many home colonic's should a person take?

IRONS: Two five gallon colonic's a day the first week and then two to three colonic's a week after that. If every person in this country took two home colonic's a week, 90% of the doctors would have to retire for lack of business.

HEALTHVIEW: Suppose a person doesn't have the time to use the colema board twice a day in the beginning?

IRONS: Twice a day is best the first week because it will loosen the dried fecal matter and mucus much more quickly. However, if a person cannot use the board twice a day for a week, then he should use it once a day for two weeks. One thing your readers should remember is not to start taking colonics for one or two days and stop altogether. If they do this, it may stir up toxins from the walls of the colon. This can cause problems if they are not eliminated by regular colonics. One woman passed more than a quart of black, vomitous, putrid material for three days in a row."

HEALTHVIEW: Can't a person just use the intestinal cleaner to clean out his colon?

IRONS: Absolutely not. You must use the colema board together with the intestinal cleaner if you really want to cleanse your colon properly. If you don't, the thick mucus coating on the intestinal wall will never come off. It will stay there till you die.

HEALTHVIEW: Can't a person just take a three or four day juice fast and clean his colon without going on your program?

IRONS: Forget it. It won't work. A juice fast of any length by itself will never clean out the colon properly. Believe me, I know what I'm talking about. People are deluding themselves if they think a simple juice fast can clean out their colons. If these people would only go on my total program for a few weeks, they would be totally amazed at what came out of their "sparkling clean" colons. Hardened fecal matter that had been in people for years comes out. People have even passed worms and parasites. You wouldn't believe some of the awful material that has come out as a result of our program. One woman passed more than a quart of black, vomitous, putrid material for three days in a row. One man passed a whole lot of material that looked like afterbirth. He was momentarily petrified-he thought it was his bowels falling out. Actually, it was a heavy, tough film of black mucus that had been lining his colon for years. There are elderly people who pass quarts and quarts of this black stuff. People never cease to be amazed at what they have been carrying around inside of them. One man I know recently passed fourteen pounds of rotting material all in one treatment.

HEALTHVIEW: Fourteen pounds? That is a lot of material. How do you know it was that much?

IRONS: Because the man weighed the material. I have all my people put a kitchen colander (strainer) in the toilet while they are taking a colema board treatment. This is the only way they can see for themselves all the horrible matter that is in their bodies. (Regular fecal matter will go through the strainer, and the hardened matter and mucus will remain in the colander.) Seeing is the only way to believe what actually comes out of a diseased colon. Even after seeing some of the horrible stuff that comes out, it is still hard to believe any of that could have been a person's colon.

"Just about everyone should get black, hardened mucus out of their colon after a week on the program."

HEALTHVIEW: What can the normal reader expect to come out if he follows the program properly?

IRONS: Just about everyone should get a lot of black, hardened mucus on about the fourth or fifth day if he takes two five-gallon colonics a day. This is the "pay dirt" you are looking for. When this mucus starts coming out, you know you are going to start getting well and feeling better. Most of the mucus is as black as charcoal and so tough you can't even cut it with a knife. In many cases, it is as tough as the rubber tubing of a bicycle tire.

"The mucus just lines the colon and gets thicker and thicker."

HEALTHVIEW: Where does this thick lining of mucus come from?

IRONS: If forms in the intestine as a defense against all the junk food people have been eating. All those sweets, donuts, pizzas, and white bread and other pastry wheat products people have been eating for a lifetime are poisons to the body. The colon, to defend against these poisons, will start excreting mucus to protect itself. This is why the mucus forms. The problem of course is that the mucus, which will start excreting mucus to protect itself. This is why the mucus forms. "People don't realize they are going to be paying a steep price for neglecting their colon. The problem is that the mucus, which was formed to protect the body, eventually ends up harming the body. The longer the mucus stays in the colon, the tougher it gets. This mucus just lines the colon and gets thicker and thicker. This is the beginning of constipation. In some cases, the hardened mucus can narrow the hole in the colon to just a small opening. When this happens, hardly any food will be able to pass through at all. If this condition continues, a person could easily end up with a total blockage in their intestine.

HEALTHVIEW: What is normally done when a person has a blocked colon?

IRONS: He usually has to have a colostomy, which is a surgical removal of part of his colon. A colostomy is one of the most ghastly things that can happen to a person outside of being run over by a truck, perhaps. These people have to wear a plastic colostomy bag to collect their fecal matter for the rest of their lives. What a horrible thing to have to live with! People don't realize they are going to be paying a steep price for neglecting their colons. Right now, at least a million living people have already paid that price-they have lost part or all of their colons. "If you are an elderly person, you can now regain the health and energy of a middle-aged person." So, if your readers dread the awful thought of having a plastic colostomy bag under expensive suits or pretty dresses, then tell them to start cleaning out their colons right now. That thick mucus lining which builds up in the colon can be a real killer.

HEALTHVIEW: Is it just elderly people who have a problem with this encrusted thick mucus coating?

IRONS: Just about everyone has this thick mucus coating in his colon. That includes people in their 30's, 20's and even young children.

HEALTHVIEW: Even Children?

IRONS: That's right. Even six and seven-year olds have diseased colons. Kids are fed such bad food today that they are aging even before they reach their teens.

HEALTHVIEW: That's shocking.

IRONS: I agree, it's terribly shocking. This is why I say that everyone above the age of six should start cleaning out their colon. (Obviously, a young child would not need as rigorous a cleansing program as an adult would.)

"I hope all of your readers are able to live to be at least as old as I am now-and hopefully a lot longer than that."

HEALTHVIEW: Do you have any last words of encouraging advice for our readers on staying young and healthy and avoiding future diseases?

IRONS: Yes, I do. Remember, as I said before, old age and disease starts right in the colon. If your readers want to have the health and energy of a youth again, they can easily do so by cleaning out their colons-and keeping them clean. If you are in old age, you can now regain the health and energy of a middle-aged person. If you are middle-aged, you can now regain the health and energy of a person in his twenties. And if you are in your twenties, you can now regain the health and energy you once had in your teens. The secret to a healthy life is a healthy colon. I am 87 years old now, and as a result of keeping my colon clean, I have more energy and pep than most people who are only fifty. I am up at 7:00 am every day and I put in a full day's work---seven days a week. I hope all of your readers are able to live to be at least as old as I am now---and hopefully a lot longer than that.

God bless us all.

HEALTHVIEW: Thank you, Mr. Iron's.

How to live a long healthy life.

By V.E. Irons

1. Don't eat refined sugar or sweets - Refined sugar is one of the greatest "life shorteners" there is. This means don't eat any sweets, pastries, donuts, ice cream, or soda pop.

2. Junk Food - My simple rule is this: the less junk food you eat, the longer you will live. It is the best advice I can give you to avoid old age.

3. Vegetable Salad-Try to eat a large vegetable salad once a day. It's great to keep your colon clean.

4. Meat and Milk-Try not to eat meat and milk products during the same meal. These foods digest better when they are eaten alone.

5. Fresh Fruit-Try to eat at least two pieces of fresh fruit every day.

6. Water-Drink your fluids at least half an hour before your meals or at least three hours after your meals. Try to drink at least a quart of good water every day. This will help to keep your colon clean.

7. Raw Foods-Try to eat as much raw food as you can. The more cooked foods you eat, the more quickly you will age.

If you would like to order this program, please call our toll free number


We look forward to hearing from you.



1. Tremendous energy

2. Smooth, wrinkle free skin

3. Great, energetic sex

4. Fertility into your eighties

"We are one of the sickest nations in the world."

Despite all the vast sums of money that are spent on health care each year, we are still one of the sickest countries in the world. In 1900 we were the healthiest country of all the nations. We were in first place. At last count in 1998 we had dropped down to the 79th healthiest country. The main reason for this tremendous decline in the country's health is because of two main factors: number one the increased use of junk food and sugar, and number two, the increased number of clogged constipated colons. These two factors alone have destroyed the health of this once great nation. The quality of food and the health of the colon can either make or break a country. In our case it has just about broken it.


Recently, the subject of alimentary toxemia was discussed in London before the Royal Society of Medicine, by fifty-seven of the leading physicians of Great Britain. Among the speakers were eminent surgeons, physicians, and specialists in the various branches of medicine.


The following is a list of the various poisons noted by the several speakers: Indol, skarol, phenol, cresol, indican, sulphurretted hydrogen, ammonia, histidine, urrobilin, methylemercapan, tetramerhy-lendiamin, pentamethy lendiamine, putrescin, cadaverin, neurin, cholin, muscarine, butyric acid, bera-imidazzoethy-lamine, methylgandinine, ptomarropine, botulin, tyramine, agamatine, tryptophane, sepsin, idolethylamine, sulpherroglobine.

Of the 36 poisons mentioned above, several are highly active, producing most profound effects, and in very small quantities. In cases of alimentary toxemia, one or several of these poisons is constantly bathing the delicate body cells, and setting up charges which finally result in grave disease.


Duodenal ulcer causing partial or complete obstruction of the duodenum; pyloric spasm; pyloric obstruction; distension and dilation of the stomach; gastric ulcer; cancer of the stomach; adhesions of the omentum to the stomach and liver; inflammation of the liver; cancer of the liver.

The muscular wall of the intestine as well as other muscles atrophy, so that the passage of their contents is hindered. The abdominal viscera lose their normal relationship to the spine and to each other, on account of weakening of the abdominal muscles; these displacements are much more marked and serious in women. Other conditions are: Catarrah of the intestines; foul gases and foul smelling stool; colitis; acute enteritis; appendicitis; acute and chronic adhesions and "kinks" of the intestines; visceroptosis; enlargement of spleen; distended abdomen; tenderness of the abdomen; summer diarrhea of children; inflammation of pancreas; chronic dragging abdominal pains; gastritis; cancer of pancreas; inflammatory charges of gall bladder; gallstones; degeneration of liver; cirrhosis of liver; infection of the gums and decay of the teeth; ulcers in the mouth and pharynx.


Wasting and weakening of the heart muscles; micorbic cyamosis from breaking up of blood cells; fatty degeneration of the heart; endocarditis; myocarditis; subnormal blood pressure; enlargement of the heart; the dilation of the aorta; high blood pressure; arteriosclerosis; permanent dilation of arteries.

Dr. W. Bezley says: "There are a few phases of cardiovascular trouble (disease of the heart and blood vessels) with which disorder of some part of the alimentary tract is not causatively associated."


Headaches of various kinds-frontal, occupital, temporal, dull or intense, hemicrania; headache of a character to lead to a mistaken diagnosis of brain tumor. Dr. Lane tells of a case where a surgeon had proposed an operation for the removal of a tumor from the frontal lobe of the brain; the difficulty was wholly removed by the exclusion of the colon. Acute neuralgia pains in the legs; neuritis; twitching of the eyes and of muscles of face, arms, legs, etc. Lassitude; irritability; disturbances of nervous system, varying from simple headaches to absolute collapse; mental and physical depression; insomnia; troubled sleep; unpleasant dreams; unrefreshing sleep, the patient awakening tired; excessive sleepiness, patient falling asleep in the daytime; shivery sensation across lower spinal region; burning sensations in face, hands, etc. spileptiform tic; typhoid state; paralysis; chronic fatigue; horror of noises; morbid introspection; perverted moral feelings; melancholia, mania, loss of memory; difficulty of mental concentration; imbecility; insanity; delirium; coma.


Degenerative changes in the eye; inflammation of the lens; inflammation of the optic nerve; hardening of the lens; sclerotis; sclerokeratitis; iritis; iridocyclitis; cataract; recurrent hemorrhage in the retina; eye dull and heavy.


Formation of wrinkles; thin, inelastic, starchy skin; pigmentation of the skin-yellow, brown, slate black, blue; muddy complexion; offensive secretion from the skin of flexures; thickening of the skin of the back of the skin-sores and boils; pemphigus; pruritus; herpes; eczema; dermatitis; lupus erythemarosus; acne rosacrea; cold, clammy extremities; dark circles under the eyes; seborrhea; psoriasis; pityriasis; alopecia; lichen; planus; jaundice; "An infinitesimal amount of poison may suffice to cause skin eruption."


Degeneration of the muscles; "Muscles waste and become soft and in advanced cases, tear easily. In young life, the muscular debility produces the deformities which are called dorsal excurvation, or round shoulders, lateral curvature, flat foot, and knock-knee." Weakness of abdominal muscles causes accumulation of feces in the pelvic colon, which renders evacuation of contents more and more difficult. Prominence of bones; rheumatic pains simulating sciatica and lumbago; various muscular pains; muscular rheumatism; arthritis deformities; synavitis; rickets; arthritis, acute and chronic. Tubercle and rheumatoid arthritis are the direct result of intestinal intoxication. Dr. Lane says, "I do not believe it is possible for either of these diseases to obtain a foothold except in the presence of stasis."


Various displacements, distortion and disease of the uterus; change in the whole forms contour of woman; fibrosis of breast; wasting of breasts; induration of breasts; sub-acute and chronic mastitis; cancer of breast; merritis and endomestritis; infection of bladder, especially of women; frequent urination; albumosuria; acute nephritis, moveable kidney; floating kidney; Dr. Lane goes so far as to say: "Autointoxication plays so large a part in the development of disease of the female genito-urinary apparatus, that they may be regarded by the gynecologist as a product of intestinal stasis."


Degeneration of the organs of elimination, especially the liver, kidneys (Bright's Disease) and spleen; pernicious anemia; lowered resistance to infection of all kind; premature senile decay; retardation of growth in children, accompanied by mental irritability and muscular fatigue; adenoids, enlarged tonsils; scurvy; enlarged thyroid (goiter); various tumors and thyroid; Raynaud's disease; In those who apparently suffer no harm from constipation during a long series of years there is perhaps, as suggested by Hertz, a partial immunity established. The writer has long believed that such an immunity is sometimes established in very obstinate constipation which accompanies absolute fasting, because of the cleansing of the tongue and reappearance of appetite which often occurs at the end of the second or third week of the fast, a phenomenon very like that which appears in typhoid fever and other continued fevers. It must not be supposed, however, that even the establishment so-called immunity insures the body against all injury. The labor of eliminating an enormous amount of virulent toxins, which falls upon the kidneys, damage the renal tissues and produces premature failure of these essential organs. Any process that develops toxins within the body is a menace to the life of the tissues and should be suppressed as soon as possible.

The fact that symptoms of poisoning resulting from constipation do not appear at once is no evidence that injury is not done. Dr. William Hunter in the course of the London discussion remarked that the fact chronic constipation "might exist in certain individuals as an almost permanent condition without apparently causing ill health is due solely to the power and protective action of the liver. It is not any evidence of the comparative harmlessness of constipation per se, but only an evidence that some individuals possess the secum and the colon of an ox, with the liver of a pig, capable of doing any amount of detoxification." In the face of such an array of evidence backed up by authority of nearly 60 imminent English physicians-and many hundreds of other English, U.S., German, and French physicians whose names might be added-it is no longer possible to ignore the importance of alimentary toxemia or autointoxication as a fact in the production of disease. To no other single cause is it possible to attribute one-tenth as many various and widely diverse disorders. It may be said that almost every chronic disease known is directly or indirectly due to the influence of bacterial poisons absorbed from the intestine. The colon may be justly looked upon as a veritable Pandora's box, out of which come more human misery and suffering, mental and moral, as well as physical than from any other known source.

The colon is a sewage system, but by neglect and abuse it becomes a cesspool. When it is clean and normal we are well and happy; let it stagnate, and it will distill the poisons of decay, fermentation and putrefaction into the blood, poisoning the brain and nervous system so that we become mentally depressed and irritable; it will poison the heart so that we are weak and listless; poisons the lungs so that the breath is foul; poisons the digestive organs so that we are distressed and bloated; and poisons the blood so that the skin is sallow and unhealthy. In short, every organ of the body is poisoned, and we age prematurely, look and feel old, the joints are stiff and painful, neuritis, dull eyes and a sluggish brain overtake us; the pleasure of living is gone.

The preceding information should impress you with the vital importance of bowel regularity to you and every member of your family.

A Toxic Colon Can Cause the Following Health Problems

and AGE You Immensely

By V.E. Irons

1. Colitis 9. Diarrhea

2. Appendicitis 10. Enlarged spleen

3. Acute enteritis 11. Colon cancer

4. Distended abdomen 12. Foul gases

5. Pancreas inflammation 13. Poor digestion

6. Gastritis 14. Abdominal cramps

7. Cirrhosis of the liver 15. Gall stones

8. Abdominal pains

These are just some of the types of health problems that can all be caused by a toxic colon. The quickest way to age your body is to have a toxic colon. How can modern medicine totally ignore such an important factor in health-the human colon?

Twenty-two Poisons from a Toxic Colon which can AGE and Destroy your Body.

By V.E. Irons

1. Phenol 12. Ammonia

2. Cadaverin 13. Muscarine

3. Agamatine 14. Methylmercaptan

4. Indol 15. Indican

5. Sulphurretted Hydrogen 16. Methylgandinine

6. Cresol 17. Idolethylamine

7. Butyric Acid 18. Sulpherroglobine

8. Botulin 19. Ptomarropine

9. Putrescin 20. Pentamethy Lendiamine

10. Urrobilin 21. Neurin

11. Histidine 22. Sepsin

These are some of the many types of poisons that can be found in a toxic colon. Some of these poisons are highly active and can produce the most detrimental effects-even in very small quantities. In many cases, these toxins can seep out of the colon and poison the rest of the body.


  • Poisons from the colon can weaken and stress the heart.
  • Poisons from the colon can go to the skin and cause blemishes, paleness, psoriasis, liver spots, wrinkles, and other facial conditions.
  • Poisons from the colon can irritate the lungs and cause foul breath.
  • Poisons from the colon can go to the brain and disturb mental function and cause senility.
  • Poisons from the colon can go to the joints and cause pain and stiffness.
  • Poisons from the colon can go to the muscles and cause weakness and terrible fatigue.
  • Poisons from the colon can rob you of your youth, ruin your health, and cause you to become old long before your time.

Much of the information presented here was discussed in London before the Royal Society of Medicine by fifty-seven of the leading physicians of Britain.

Three Medical Objections to Cleansing the Colon

Medical Objection #1 The body cleanses itself naturally. There is no Need for any special cleansing programs.

Irons' Answer: If people ate a great diet from childhood which consisted of plenty of natural raw food, yes, the body would be able to cleanse itself. But, considering the terrible junk foods which most people eat today, there is no way the colon can cleanse itself "naturally".

  • If the colon cleanses itself "naturally", then why are more than a million people walking around who have had colostomies to remedy their clogged, constipated colons?
  • If the colon cleanses itself "naturally", then why are millions of dollars worth of laxatives sold every year to help "clean" the colon?
  • If the colon cleanses itself "naturally", then why do people rid themselves of pounds of putrid fecal matter and impacted mucus-immediately AFTER they go on my cleansing program?


Medical Objection #2 Waste accumulations in the colon are not toxic.

Irons' Answer: This is medical fantasy #2. If the wastes from the colon aren't toxic, then why do more than 60,000 people die of colon cancer every single year?

It is interesting that when a person has a ruptured appendix, the doctors will operate immediately to prevent the person from being poisoned to death!

Medical Objection #3: Taking colonic's can cause the bowels to become weak and prevent them from working, properly.

Irons' Answer: If a person had a perfectly clean colon and if he took colonic's all the time, yes, this would weaken the colon, however, about 99% of the people do not have a normal, clean colon.

Most people have layers of hardened fecal matter and hardened mucus lining their colons. Far more harm is done by leaving this impacted fecal matter and mucus in the colon than by any possible harm colonic's may do.

CALL 1-800-726-1834


Before I received your book and tapes, I had gone from doctor to doctor. I had chronic health problems ranging from allergies to obesity. I had been on antibiotics for over 5 years. My health was destroyed. I was so tired of going through countless medical tests and hospital visits. I finally saw you on CBN and ordered your material. After I received your material, I was shocked at how simple and delicious your recipes and health tips were. During the past year, my health has greatly improved and I am off of my allergy shots. I feel great and have lost 117 pounds.

Jeannie W.

Plant City, FL

Jeannie used the 7-day colonic program for great health and body fat loss.

My son David was two years old when I received your book and tapes. He had been in and out of hospitals all of his life. We were spending hundreds of dollars a month on medical bills. He couldn't gain weight and the doctors thought he might die. He had been scheduled to have tubes put in his ears. When I changed his diet according to your cookbook and tapes, he immediately had a health change. Within two weeks, his ears were better and he has been healthy for the past three years. What a miracle! Thank God for you, you are saving lives!

Bonnie D.

Atlanta, GA

Bonnie ordered our book Train Up Your Children in the Way They Should Eat. She also ordered our 7-day colonic program and was able to get her hypoglycemia under control.

I was suffering with rheumatoid arthritis so badly that at the age of 33, I was confined to a wheelchair. I prayed and prayed for years for my healing. I was so tired of all the medications and programs that did not work. After hearing you on a local radio show, I ordered your material. After following the cookbook for three months, I'm able to work again.

Ray M.

Gatlinburg, TN

After seeing you on the Trinity Broadcast Network, we ordered your book. What a delight! Our friends love the recipes. They are so easy to prepare and taste great. Best wishes.

John and Kathy F.

Concord, CA

Before I had come in to see you, I had been diagnosed as having a high cholesterol level. My cholesterol was at 256. My doctor told me that at age 63, I had to reduce my cholesterol. After receiving your book and tapes, I was able to reduce my level to 177 in just 8 weeks. Thank you for all your informative material!

Paula L.

West Palm Beach, FL

Paula was so excited about her energy increase and health improvement following her 7-day cleansing.

The doctors told me that I had osteoporosis. I couldn't believe that it had happened to me. Because I was tall, I had nightmares about losing 6 to 8 inches in height. I didn't know what to do. Then I saw you on TV and heard you on a local radio show. I ordered your material and implemented your program. On my last doctors visit he informed me that I had a 15% increase in bone density. Thank God for you!

Ellie H.

Altamonte Springs, FL

Ellie is a wonderful person. We believe the 7-day colonic program helped increase her digestive efficiency.

These testimonials go on and on. Proper preventative healthcare can give you remarkable results.


I Call You Blessed,

Dr. Ted Broer


100 Ariana Blvd

Auburndale, FL. 33823
