Natural Solutions for Depression, Anxiety, Panic Attacks, and Dementia

Nutritional factors causing brain problems including suicide, dementia, Alzheimer’s, depression, Add, ADHD, hyperactivity, criminal behavior, poor grades, and memory problems.

A few years back, Alexander C.* came to my home with William Wise. I’ve known William Wise for many years.  (At the end of this post, you can actually read the testimonial from Alexander concerning the health problems he was having and how changing his diet and taking HealthMasters supplements completely took care of the problem.)

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Brain Energy

William brought Alexander to see me because Alexander was terribly depressed; having anxiety attacks and was suicidal. The medication he had been placed on only made matters worse. Alexander told me his story of how he had lost a fortune through bad business partners and less than a year earlier, his oldest son was killed on a motorcycle. The depression that the incidences caused completely debilitated him. He would spend days in bed, never leaving the house. When I met him, he was in bad shape. When I examined his diet and saw what he was eating, I understood why. Alexander started on my Healthy Brain Program.

Several months later, Alexander was a new man. He feels great. The anxiety he felt is gone. He’s a new person. I’ll explain to you the protocol I shared with him and why. At the end of this article, I will list

the specific supplements I used. I want anyone who is suffering from the problems I listed at the beginning of this email to have the same results. I want you to read through this entire email.

Nutrition is the Brain’s Fuel

First, let’s start with nutrition and how it affects behavior and brain function. My key point is when proper nutrition is not given to the body, many of the genes responsible for keeping us healthy are not activated. This is particularly true in prenatal nutrition.

If certain nutrients are not available to the fetus, lifelong health problems can occur, including breast cancer and other types of degenerative disease. Please read my wife’s book, “Train Up Your Children in the Way They Should Eat” if you are pregnant or you have young children. It will really help you so much to have healthy children. Plus do your research on immunizations! Just last week Julie’s (my niece) best friend lost a 3 month old due to sudden infant death syndrome just several days after receiving a DPT shot.  In one study over half the death from SIDS occurred within a week of receiving the DPT shot. Those are horrible odds!

Proper prenatal nutrition has been shown to reduce breast cancer, and many other diseases later on in life, especially in the developing fetus. Always remember, the brain never rests. The brain burns a huge amount of fuel. The burning of all of this fuel, especially low nutrient fuel, produces a lot of free radicals. If your diet does not contain sufficient quantities of the antioxidants A, C, E, Selenium, and Omega 3 oil, your brain could be slowly poisoned causing Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and Lou Gehrig’s disease. These free radicals actually destroy the structure of the brain, including the all-important mitochondria and your DNA.

FACT: The brain uses 20% of all oxygen in the blood.

FACT: The brain uses 25% of all glucose in the blood, and the brain is only 2% of the total body weight.

Your brain components are constantly being replaced. The primary need of the brain is Omega 3 fat DHA, the brain uses it in only 2 weeks. A deficient brain will begin to deteriorate and change in structure in just 2 weeks without a constant supply of Omega 3 DHA in our blood.  Health Masters’ Cod Liver Oil is the finest quality of DHA and Omega 3 supplements available on the planet as far as I’m concerned. I take Cod Liver Oil and omega three capsules every single day.

Several weeks ago, Alexander C. was feeling so good he neglected to take the Cod Liver Oil for ten days. He immediately started relapsing and having anxiety symptoms again. He came by my house and I fussed at him and immediately gave him 4 tablespoons of Cod Liver Oil. I sent him to the office to replenish his supply. He’s doing great again.

Nutrition and Behavior

Significant brain research has been going on for over 100 years. Back in 1935, it was shown that hypoglycemia, or low blood sugar, can cause or initiate anxiety, neurosis, hysteria, and psychosis. When Alexander was tested for hypoglycemia, he tested positive. That’s why I started him on our Fit Food Protein. Fit Food Protein is a 100% New Zealand Organic Whey protein powder. It has never been heated over 85 degrees and it stabilizes blood sugar. I told Alexander to drink 2 scoops, 2 – 3 times a day, either in water or raw certified cow’s milk. He noticed an immediate difference in his mood swings and energy levels.

By 1973, additional studies showed the 74% increase in schizophrenia and hyper-activity with hypoglycemia. Plus 60% of hypoglycemic patients had alcoholism in their family. High blood sugar causes a rise in insulin. The problem is that the insulin reduces the blood sugar so much you get “hypo” or low blood sugar. This presents a major problem for the brain. It doesn’t get enough glucose which severely impairs cognitive function.

I spoke to you about this process in detail in my fat-burning article “How to Rip Your Abdominals” and “How to Burn Body Fat and Increase Your Muscle Weight.”  Bad diets and hypoglycemia also increase criminal behavior, probation violation, drug abuse, suicide, childhood felonies, and abnormal EEG’s (Electroencephalogram), which measures brain wave activity.

The third component of Alexander’s program was Vitamin E-400 with Selenium. Vitamin E helps to thin the blood to increase the blood flow to the brain. Selenium deficiency radically affects brain function causing confusion and depression.

Sugar Consumption and Behavior

In the 1900’s, we only ate about 4 pounds of sugar per year. It has increased to 129 – 160 pounds of sugar per year depending on whom you read, a 2500% increase! Sugar affects all kinds of violent, anti-social behavior and criminal behavior. Multiple studies in prisons have shown that when inmates were given extra sugar, their violence increased. When they weren’t given sugar, the violence decreased. 

Sugar is hidden in foods. Matter of fact, the majority of our sugar (43%) comes from fruit juices and sodas. What folks don’t realize is that there is 35 grams of sugar in just a few ounces of apple juice.  You should never give children or infants juice to drink. It is way too much sugar for the body to process properly. Also, you should never drink soda. One soda has up to 12 teaspoons of sugar.

Since 1974, soda consumption has doubled. Today, the average teenager consumes 54 teaspoons of sugar a day. From 1972 - 2001, adults ages 49 – 59 have had a 250% increase in soda intake.  Adults over the age of 60 had a 300% increase.

Sugar dramatically increases pre-radical activity in the brain. In other words, it causes the brain to deteriorate. That’s what I was talking about earlier when I said that if you have bad quality glucose or bad quality food you massively increase the products in the brain that cause free radical damage.

Sugar makes every cell, particularly in the brain, age very, very quickly. It causes cross-linkage in cells, makes the skin sag, and ages the whole body. People who eat a lot of sugar have 6 times the incidences of Alzheimer’s. By the way, 50% of the population of the USA has functional hypoglycemia. Basically what that means is, if you eat the wrong foods, your blood sugar spikes then drops down because of insulin, and you feel horrible. When you have hypoglycemia, your sugar goes up so high, and then insulin reduces the sugar to such a low level, you feel like you will pass out. You can actually end up with permanent brain damage and or seizures. You can actually die from hypoglycemia if your blood sugar gets too low, you can have a seizure and die.

Nutrition and Crime

Almost all violent felons in prison are alcoholics and they have hypoglycemia. In fact, the most violent offenders in prison are alcoholics. 97% of alcoholics are hypoglycemic compared to 18% in the controlled study. Alcohol is a tremendous source of energy because it releases sugar so quickly into the blood, but it also causes tremendous toxicity of the brain. When you treat hypoglycemia and you stabilize the blood sugar, like I did with Alexander with the Fit Food Protein, 71% of the alcoholics become sober. Now think about that. When you treat hypoglycemia in alcoholics, 71 % of the alcoholics become sober.  The most violent crimes, auto accidents and road rage are all connected to alcohol consumption.  By the way, Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) only has a 25% sober rate. So I suggest to AA, they need to check people’s blood sugar to find if they have a problem with hypoglycemia.

Now, this is interesting, if you take the temporal lobe of the brain, which is the part of the brain that contains the memory, and you electrically stimulate the brain, you create instantaneously violent behavior so violent that the people actually attacked the researchers.

What’s also interesting is hypoglycemia also attacks the temporal lobe of the brain causing anger. In many cases, these people lose all control. They will stab people; they will kill people and become very violent. In fact, most alcoholics are very, very violent. When they are submitted into emergency rooms, in many cases, it takes multiple people to subdue them.

I remember when I was young, we used to talk about people being a “mean drunk” or people being a “passive drunk.”  Most “drunks” that I knew got mean. The sad part of it is in many cases, the alcoholism was brought on by the hypoglycemia. The problem is we didn’t know about this back then in the 60’s. If they would stabilize their blood sugar, the alcoholism simply goes away. The lowering of blood sugar of an alcoholic can actually drive them wild like animals. High hypoglycemia can cause extreme anger.

Hypoglycemia and Aggressive Behavior

Back in the 80’s, I worked with a lady named Bonnie, and she was hypoglycemic. When she would show up at the office you never knew if you were getting Bonnie #1 or Bonnie #2. Bonnie #1 was extremely nice, Bonnie #2 was an absolute total nightmare that you wanted nothing to do with, and in many cases, it was because of the hypoglycemia. When tested, it was found that Bonnie had hypoglycemia. When we stabilized her blood sugar, we were able to completely control the hypoglycemic symptoms.

Cecilia Rosenfelt, a medical doctor, wrote in one of her books, one of the primary causes of marital discord is blood sugar imbalances or hypoglycemia. If a spouse had a blood sugar condition, in many cases, they were impossible to live with and they were given to fits of rage. When their blood sugar was stabilized, they were able to stabilize the sugar in such a way that the conditions completely went away. Again, this is why I gave Alexander C. our Fit Food Protein. I wanted to stabilize his blood sugar.

Now, let’s talk about Aspartame and MSG. Both release insulin which causes hypoglycemia. I repeat that, Aspartame and MSG both initiate an insulin response of the body causing hypoglycemia. This is the reason that when people drink diet sodas they think they are losing weight, but in reality, they are gaining weight because the Aspartame releases the insulin to cause hypoglycemia. The insulin is a storage hormone to store these extra calories from sugar as fat, plus you have constant sugar cravings because of the hypoglycemia. Diet sodas and MSG both cause weight gain because they release insulin and actually force the body to become hypoglycemic in many cases.

MSG (monosodium glutamate) can actually induce intense rage. Studies have shown that if you inject MSG into the brain of a mouse, the mouse can attack a cat, and can actually kill a cat. Now, personally, I have just read about these studies, I have not actually seen a mouse kill a cat, but because the mouse becomes so incredibly violent, due to the MSG in the brain, it goes berserk. Well, MSG is in almost every single Doritos or potato chip that you are going to eat.  Then, when you combine a diet soda with the Aspartame and the Doritos with MSG, it can put people into severe rages. Think about how many children eat this way on a daily basis. It’s no wonder we have out of control children in classrooms. These children are drugged into a stupor with schedule 2 drugs. How sad is that! The MSG goes into the blood sugar and the person goes into severe rage again. The MSG actually kills brain cells because of too much calcium influx into the neuro cells, causing them to die. This is one of the reasons for extreme headaches when you eat MSG. Another reason for the extreme headaches with MSG is because of the type of hypoglycemia that is induced. Remember, when you have low blood sugar headaches, in most cases, they are in the back of the head. High blood sugar headaches are usually in the front of the head or around the temporal lobes.

When low blood sugar that is raised suddenly, it can cause people to become kleptomaniacs, stealing products out of stores. In many cases, they have hypoglycemia. In some cases when you stabilize the blood sugar, the kleptomania is secured.

Children: 40% of the calories in children’s diet are from sugar.  A study of children showed that the top 25% were hyperactive. High sugar intake seriously reduces their mental performance to the point that children simply can’t think.

Several years ago, I read a really, really good book called “The Maximum Solutions to ADD, Autism and the Learning Disabilities of Children.”  The book is out of print, but we were able to take multiple chapters of that book, and reprint those reports, making those available to you. They are available from my office.

There’s a strong relationship between serotonin level and sugar levels. The serotonin level is that “feel good” chemical in your brain. This is why, in many cases, women who are having their monthly periods, crave sugar because they are trying to elevate their serotonin because they are having mood swings. Also, children, taking SSR (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors) in many cases actually lower their own serotonin levels. This is why there is a “black box” warning on Prozac and Zoloft when given to children and it warns you implicitly that it induces suicidal behavior in children. Anytime you lower serotonin levels, you have a problem with suicidal behavior in adults or your children. So, what I am telling folks is this: If you can avoid serotonin reuptake inhibitors, don’t use them. There are all kinds of natural ways to increase serotonin without the use of these “suicide” drugs.  Alexander C. and many other clients have proven that again and again.

Now, I am not saying SSRI prevent suicide; I’m saying they can cause suicide, and the label clearly states that. So be careful with these types of drugs, and I personally don’t recommend the use of them whatsoever.

High sugar intake seriously reduces mental performance.  Remember that. You simply can’t think. A person with hypoglycemia wants to stay away from high glycemic foods such as sugar, white potatoes, pastas, white rice, and anything that will elevate sugar causing a rise in insulin which drops the sugar too quickly.  Primarily juices, white potatoes and sugar need to be completed avoided along with sodas, including diet sodas. Never use them! Interestingly, one of the most reactive foods for hyperactivity in children is soybeans. I have an entire report on soy. Yellow dyes are bad and soybeans are bad for kids with ADD and ADHD. Also, some of the red dyes are bad.

Nutrients and Behavior

I’ve got a really good article you need to read: “Does Soy Turn Little Boys into Little Girls?” Here’s the link:

Soy is the most reactive food that a child eats when he when he has a problem with ADD. In 1985, Egger and Carter did one study: 76 hyperactive kids were placed on a low-carbohydrate diet, and also eliminated food dyes. 82% of these children improved on the diet and 28% of these children returned completely to normal.  They had the highest reaction again from Yellow Dye #5, sodium benzoate and from soy products. The reactive food was soybeans. 73% of children who were ADD and ADHD reacted to soy products.  Also, pasteurized cow’s milk – 64%; and Chocolate – 59%.

Let me stop here for just a second. I don’t put raw certified cow’s milk into that category. I’ve never seen a child react from raw certified cow’s milk. Yet, you need to be very careful. Make sure it’s state certified if you are going to drink raw milk and you make sure you know the dairy. However,  I am saying that we lived off of raw cow’s milk for thousands of years, but pasteurization process has only been around for the past few decades; and we’ve had a tremendous amount of health problems in our families and children because of all of the processing in the food that we eat.

Serotonin also helps the brain resist violent acts including suicide. Corn is low in tryptophan, and it also lowers serotonin levels. Almost all cereal products are made from corn. You have to have tryptophan in your diet to maintain serotonin levels. It’s very, very important.

We have 5HTP Tryptophan product we use now in our office. It is phenomenal. It’s one of the best things I’ve ever seen to elevate serotonin naturally and helps to stabilize and elevate moods and keep people from being depressed.  Low niacin B3 can also increase to risk for mental illness. We have a very good product called “Vascular Relaxant SR” which also helps to reduce cholesterol levels. I put Alexander on all of these products because I knew that they would work. Niacin also helps to reduce the incidences of mental illness. Deficiencies of niacin can cause diarrhea, dementia, and schizophrenia.

Vitamin C, D, B, K, A, E are all associated with brain function. Again We put Alexander on the Vitamin C from HealthMasters and Vitamin D-3 from HealthMasters. I put him on 20,000 IU’s of Vitamin D initially for the first 30 days. Read the article I wrote on “Does the Flu Vaccine Actually Stop the Flu?”  The answer is NO. We talked about the importance Vitamin D supplementation during the flu vaccines and what it did as far as increasing the brain, decreasing the risk of mood problems and also increasing mood and increasing serotonin. Vitamin E we already talked about. Vitamin K – very, very important. Vitamin A, from the Cod Liver Oil, absolutely critical. B Complex and B -5, B- 6 are critical. 

Deficiencies in any of these specific nutrients can cause behavioral and brain problems. Just B1 Thiamine deficiency can cause mental depression, memory failure, chronic fatigue and personality changes. The problem, most of the time, with B1 is that it is a supplemental deficiency and it can’t be detected, but the problems are still there. It’s kind of like coming down with scurvy because you don’t have enough Vitamin C. Scurvy has been shown to have been a clinical definition of Vitamin C deficiency so they treat it by giving you Vitamin C. Eating sugar and carbohydrates deplete B1. A recent survey of adolescents shows that 60% were deficient in iron, 57% were deficient in Vitamin A, 43% were deficient in Vitamin C, and 39% were deficient in B1, 30% deficient in protein, and 16% in riboflavin.

Studies have shown that using a very good multivitamin like our HealthMasters Ultimate Multiple can reduce almost all of these symptoms and can increase CAT scores in children.  Also you can increase CAT scores by removing the dyes out of their diets. Dyes and additives can cause brain problems. You can have a profound influence, by changing a child’s diet, in the behavioral and cognitive functions. Even marginal deficiencies can cause brain problems.

Brain Allergies

Food allergies directly affect brain function. Now let me tell you what happens with food allergies. Foods that cause allergies can actually be absorbed as macro molecules by the intestinal tract through a condition called leaky gut syndrome. And when this happens, you have a situation where the immune system causes an immune reaction. The immune reaction is not localized to the torso; it also goes into the brain. When the brain has an immune reaction, it releases glutamate, which causes neurological dysfunction. In other words, when you have food allergies, it causes neurological dysfunction. Guess what one of the primary causes of food allergies is? Soy products!

Primary allergy reactants are: Soy 88%, Pasteurized Milk – 60%, Corn – 50%, Gluten, Pasta and Pastries – 100%. Side effects from these chemical released in the brain include lethargy, stupor, disorientation, paranoia, delusions, hallucinations, agitations, rage, panic attacks, criminal behavior even seizures, and schizophrenia when you have these common allergens put into your food supply.

Here is an interesting study done with schizophrenics. They were taken off of gluten completely; bread, pasta, rice, and pastries – everything with gluten in it. 100% of the schizophrenics on a gluten-free diet returned to normal. When given just a little bit of gluten, they became schizophrenic again and had to be re-hospitalized. It’s amazing to me how food affects everything.

I am also amazed at the soy craze in the United States!

Vaccinations and Brain Function

Now, let’s talk about vaccinations again. Some people ask about over - vaccinating and I say that pretty much ALL vaccinations are over-vaccinations. What happens is they cause neurological affects: When you inject a vaccination into the body, it causes an immune response but it also causes an immune response in the brain. This immune response in the brain goes on for years. It can also linked to the mercury another neurological toxin used in many vaccines and an ongoing immune response in the body and the brain. This inflammation of the brain simply will not calm down. It goes on for years and years and years.

In order to prevent immunizations you may be able to get a “Religious Exemption” to vaccinations so that your children can still attend public or private school.

Now, you may say, “Well, you should immunize your kids.” Well, why? I’ve written entire articles on it; you can go back to my blog, and you can see that.  We have seen that children who have been diagnosed with autism, in many cases have been diagnosed after their second measles booster. Do your own research! Go look at the dangers of immunizations. Google it on the Internet. You’re going to find that everything I’m telling you about immunizations is true.

By the way, high animal fat such as lard can also cause a problem with the brain. Remember, the first food on my top ten list to never eat is high fat luncheon meats. I include bacon, sausage, ham, pepperoni and hot dogs. I’ve actually sent you an article from The Biological Therapy 1983, Volume 1 and 2, by Professor Hans Reckweg called The adverse influence of pork consumption on health which can be found here. Pork is one of the worst foods you could eat. It can cause all kinds of problems with the brain including brain parasites!

Omega 3 fats actually improve depression, memory, and thinking. It also improves schizophrenia. This is what I was telling you with Alexander earlier. The first thing we did is put him on the Cod Liver Oil. We put him on the Omega 3 fats in high doses because most of the time the brain is extremely deficient.

Remember, 50% of the brain fats are from the Omega 3 DHA. Also, when you take the Omega 3 Fats, you also improve your eyesight. The brain is 60% fat and putting lard and high fat luncheon meat fat from your diet into the brain is absolutely horrible. It causes massive destruction. Low DHA levels and causes violent behavior. As we mentioned earlier, alcohol, MSG, and NutraSweet also lowers DHA in the brain. Lead can also cause violent crime in changes in brain function. Omega 3 however is the most important. Take Cod Liver Oil, how many times have you heard me say that over and over and over again! Omega 6, however, is something we need to stay away from as much as possible.

What’s interesting is our current ratio of Omega 3 to Omega 6 is 1 to 46. In other words, we get 46 more times of Omega 6 oils than Omega 3 oils. Omega 6 oils are from like soybeans, canola oil, corn oil, and all safflower oil. They all need to be avoided as much as possible because they really affect brain function in a negative way. Artificial estrogen is also shown to be a brain toxin, like premarin. However, natural estrogen is not.

Other stuff that can cause problems with the brain: aluminum, mercury, lead, cadmium, and fluoride. How many times have I sent you the emails on our water treatment system? It gets the aluminum, the mercury, the lead, the cadmium and the fluoride out of the water. Distillation is the best way to do that because these are free radicals that destroy brain cells.

MSG, Aspartame, pesticides, herbicides, industrial solvents, food dye, and again, vaccinations all affect the brain function. You can have a profound role in brain function by eliminating these foods out of your diet.

A good friend of mine, Charles Gaudwin who’s a 53 year-old professor at Southeastern University, starting using one of our water treatment system about a month ago, plus he’s on the B vitamin and supplement program that I put Alexander on. It was interesting. He tells me every other day:

“I can’t tell you how good I feel! I can’t tell you how much energy I have. It’s amazing to me, the veil has been lifted. The brain fog is gone. I feel great and it all started when I got on your supplements. I started drinking distilled water, and I stopped putting all the fluoride and all that junk in my body which are the free radicals.”

So, friend, listen to me. It’s so important and so easy to have proper brain health and good brain chemistry. But, there are certain things you need to eliminate out of your diet. Avoid my Top Ten Foods List Never To Eat. Avoid all of those chemicals we talked about throughout this email. And make sure you take the supplements we talked about.

13 Critical Supplements for the Healthy Brain Program

1. HGH Stimulate

2. Fit Food Protein

3. Health Masters Ultimate Multiple

4. Cod Liver Oil - Fermented

5. B Complex

6. Serenex: Stress Control

7. Health Masters Excellent C

8. Cortico B5-B6

9. Zinc Glycinate

10. Health Masters Super Potent E

11. Health Masters Memory Support

12. Health Masters Ultimate D-5000

13. Health Masters 5-HTP 


And if you take all of these products every single day it will greatly influence and affect your brain chemistry. You will feel so good and have so much energy if you start on this program. You will have the same type of results that Alexander had.

Now, I want you to read on. I want you to read Alexander’s testimony in his own words. God Bless you! I’m looking forward to hearing from you!

“In December, 2008, I met with Dr. Broer through the referral of a friend, William Wise. At that time, I couldn’t walk 100ft. without being out of breath. After my son died, I wouldn’t leave the house. I was depressed, dizzy and drowsy. My heart was racing and I had panic attacks. The anti-depressants I was on had horrible side effects. They actually made me suicidal. I even enrolled in an online psychiatric support group for help.

In January 2009, I started on Dr. Broer’s Healthy Brain Program. The results have been nothing short of miraculous! All of the symptoms I listed are gone. I feel absolutely great! My business has prospered. It’s amazing what happens when you give your brain what it needs.

By the way, when I shared my story with the online chat group, I was banned. It’s a shame. I really believe that this program would have been beneficial to everyone on the chat line. I recommend Dr. Broer’s Healthy Brain Program for everyone. It has truly changed my life. I feel great!”

-Alexander C., Winter Haven, FL

All of these high quality supplements can also be purchased by calling my office at 1-800-726-1834.

*Alexander C. is not his real name.