RED ALERT! FDA Set to Ban Vitamins. Urgent, Please Read! RED ALERT!

OK, this is going to be an email unlike any other I have ever sent you. As most of you know the USA is in a crisis. I usually don't write about what's going on in our country and what is going on globally. I tried to warn you about the loss of our rights several years ago and several of you emailed me back asking me to stay on health topics.

Well that is what I have done for the most part. However, at this point in our history it does not take a "Rocket Scientist" to determine that our Federal Bureaucracy is blatantly out of control.


Here's How I See It.


Big government is run by big corporations. That's who basically pays for the reelection campaigns. This is nothing new.

Here's the problem. The FDA is now being pressured by the Pharmaceutical Companies to force supplement manufacturers to stop making and selling supplements developed after 1994 unless it passes the same testing used for drugs. That testing is simply not economically viable. In some cases it takes hundreds of millions to test drugs and to get them approved. All of our supplements are state of the art. For example I use active B vitamins in almost all of my formulations. We will no longer be able to do that. In other words your rights to buy high quality nutraceuticals will be taken away.

Don't think it will happen? Think Again. It has already happened in Europe. They have banned almost all supplements. How do I know this? My cousin Fritz Broer has ordered prostate support from me for years. Last summer I sent him 4 bottles that were seized by the government and returned to me. The return label said the ingredients were banned. That got my attention.

Now Let Me Tell You What Is Going On In My Opinion.

New Law Will Ban Supplements

What I’m about to tell you sounds like a scene out of George Orwell’s novel, 1984.

You hear a knock on the door, and open it. Before you can protest, government officials burst into your house, rifle through your cabinets, grab your vitamins and supplements, throw them into biohazard bags, and rush out again.


"What Just Happened?"


Believe it or not, this is about to happen -- and it will be completely legal. The FDA, which regulates foods and drugs in the US, has turned its focus on nutritional supplements -- and it’s planning to ban them. They’ve been threatening to do this for decades -- now it’s about to happen. And this time they’re dead serious.


Here’s What This Terrible New Law Will Do:


1. Under these new guidelines, Vitamin A, B complex, C, and D, as well as CoQ 10, would be outlawed. Plus many many more including HGH Stimulate.

2. The FDA will require that supplement manufacturers fund prohibitively expensive studies using doses multiplied by a "safety factor" of as high as 2,000 times the recommended dose. For instance, the FDA is proposing that two species of animals, rodents and young dogs, will be forced to ingest 2.4 million milligrams of fish oil per day, for 90 days. Humans take 2,400 milligrams daily -- and we weigh 10 times as much as small dogs. In addition to these inhumane practices, this requirement will destroy most supplement companies (except those secretly owned by pharmaceutical manufacturers).

3. Supplements can only include ingredients found in the "typical food supply." And what exactly does that mean to the FDA? Does echinacea qualify as being in the typical food supply? (I doubt it)

4. The FDA will only approve supplement ingredients that are at the same levels that it uses for synthetic food additives and preservatives, which is in violation of the 1994 law, the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA), which categorizes supplements as foods, not additives.

5. The FDA is treating supplement ingredients under the same exacting scrutiny as it does with known cancer-causing chemicals like aspartame, MSG, and sodium nitrate -- demanding that the supplements be reduced to "inert" levels of concentration that will render them ineffective to consumers.

6. Each ingredient, as well as the supplement itself, will be required to undergo a New Dietary Ingredient Notification (NDIN) process -- even if the same ingredient is used by other companies. This process takes 75 days at a bare minimum. And as of yet, 83% of NDINs have been rejected by the FDA. And by the way, "new" refers to products that have been in use for up to 17 years.


Are You Flabbergasted Yet?


After this law passes -- and it will if we don’t act soon to stop it -- your only options will be pharmaceutical drugs (and we know how well they work, don’t we?).

In case you don’t: Every year 100000 people die from prescription drugs and this number only includes people who die from known side effects, not from prescription errors made by doctors and pharmacists.

Guess how many people died in 2006, 2007 and 2008, combined, from supplements? None to my knowledge.

And yet who is the FDA going after? Not the pharmaceutical industry. They’re going after our supplements.


Here’s How To Stop Them:


Time For Action Is Short.


The FDA has extended the period for you to protest this Draconian law until September 30th. Today I heard that this period has been extended to December of this year though I have not been able to verify this information. So it’s time to raise your voice while there’s still a chance. Once the law passes, it will be too late. Then, you’ll wish you had, I promise.

This is a two part problem. This is part one of the problem trust me when I tell you it was set up as two parts to confuse the issue. On July 1, 2011, the FDA announced that it was going to start regulating supplements that were deemed questionable by the Institute of Medicine and that the IOM was going to research all supplements after 1994 and determine whether they were safe or needed additional testing. Well the IOM has been known for a long time to be anti vitamin anti natural health care. So basically they can do whatever they deem necessary to give the FDA total control over any supplement developed after 1994. That's part one.

Heres part two, on the same day, July 1, 2011, Senator Dick Durbin from Illinois introduced S.1310 which was the Dietary Supplement Labeling Act of 2011. This legislation is simply an attempt to impose more FDA control over supplement manufacturers, their marketing and consumer access to supplements.


We Know Who’s Behind This Ban, Don’t We?


Big Pharma "controls" the FDA -- and this new law will wipe out their remaining competition.

In case you don't know these big Pharma are pretty much owned big Big Banks, many of which are owned by the Federal Reserve Bank which owns pretty much everything. They are basically in control of almost every major corporation in the world.

Years ago I used to do up to 40 radio shows a week as a guest. That is no longer possible. Here's why. Back in the nineties Bill Clinton deregulated the Radio industry. Before then many stations were Mom and Pop owned.

The government, in the beginning of the radio industry, decided that no single corporation could own more than one station in a market. That way the news could not be controlled or censured.

Well after the deregulation in some markets the major stations are now owned by one corporation. The Clear Channel Corporation.

Here Is An Example:

Since that has occurred programming has been strictly regulated.

So here's what I have seen and what I believe to have occurred. Since the Banks own the Pharmaceutical Corporations and the Banks control the media, the banks don't want Alternative Health Care information given out which competes with the sales of drugs. Christian TV was able to avoid the regulations until recently. The FCC pressured Christian broadcasters and since then TBN the major Christian broadcaster has had a policy change concerning the marketing of products on their network. The last time I was on their program, last spring, I wasn't even allowed to mention any product.

Again I believe this is due to TBN being pressured by the FCC which is also controlled by legislature who is controlled by lobbyists. So when I speak on Radio and TV to give alternative protocols to help Blood Pressure, Diabetes, and ADD it affects the big Pharmaceuticals. Also the promotion of Prosac Statin drugs, immunizations and flu shots can continue to be promoted by big Pharmaceuticals. Don't believe me? Watch either ABC, CBS, or NBC news tonight and see who the primary advertisers are. That's right its BIG PHARMA.

So to me, since I believe that the FDA is controlled by Big Pharmaceuticals the logical next step is to take away your rights to buy supplements that work. That way you are stuck with drugs that in most cases don't work.

So Here's What I Have Done.


I Suggest That You Please Do The Same. This Is Not A Joke. I Have Never Come To You With An Email Like This.

1) Stockpile Some Supplements.

I now carry a year supply just for my family. Remember all products developed after 1994 can be banned overnight. That means like Fritz, my cousin, found out he can't get them.

By the way I am not doing this to try and sell more supplements. I probably won't have enough inventory anyhow if you all order at once. I am doing this and telling you this because I consider you to be my friends.


OR CALL 1-800-726-1834

2) Call Your Congressman and Senators.   1-800-833-6354

This Is A Two Part Request

A) Tell them to oppose Durbins bill S.1310...NOW If you do not want to call, but would prefer to write, I have included a sample letter below.

B) Tell them to oppose the intentional misinterpretation of the 1994 Supplement Bill which was designed and passed to protect our rights to buy vitamins and food supplements..Which the FDA is now using to seize control and regulate all supplements developed and manufactured after 1994. REMEMBER TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE WE ONLY HAVE UNTIL OCT1 2011 TO VOICE OUR OBJECTION TO THE FDA NEW POLICY IMPLEMENTATION Call NOW1-800-833-6354 and speak to both your Senators and your House Representative.

If we don't do this. These "bought for a price" regulations may become law and we will lose even more of our rights.


3) Pray.

Pray that the people of the USA will wake up to the loss of their rights.

The Patriot Act Was Bad Enough. That Idiotic Legislation Basically Stripped The Bill Of Rights From Our Constitution. 

If we don't become aware of what is going on, I believe that someday we will wake up in a country that we no longer recognize under the rule of what is called an Oligarchy and our Republic will be gone.

Thank you for your help in stopping this before it begins.

Ted Broer

Please Act Today!

Call Your Congressman


Please let your voice be heard by exercising your right to petition the government against these serious violations of the law and scientific principle. Please be sure to call, fax, or send a certified letter to your representative - emails can be easily dismissed.

Here is a set of talking points for your consideration:

My name is [Name] and I am a constituent of [Congress Member's name].
I am very concerned about the new FDA draft guidance on dietary supplements and new dietary ingredients.
I request that Congress hold hearings and take action to review the FDA's draft guidance and stop their overreach of power.
The FDA's draft guidance flies in the face of the original congressional intent of the Dietary Supplement Health Education Act: The guidance turns what was meant to be a simple notification system for new dietary ingredients into a preapproval scheme that Congress did not intend to create.
Congress recognized that dietary supplements are natural ingredients and therefore inherently safer than drugs and chemical food ingredients. It did not intend that the FDA would have the power to approve or reject dietary supplements.
The FDA's draft guidance creates unnecessary regulations that limit my access to dietary supplements I rely on. The expensive and burdensome process will force between 20,000 and 42,000 dietary supplements to be removed from the market and will increase the cost of those supplements that remain.
The draft guidance hurts our economy. Expert analyses show that this guidance will cause a total economic loss of $21.2 billion to $39.8 billion annually. In this time of economic uncertainty we do not need a further blow to the economy.
Thank you for your time.

Be nice.
Keep your comments brief and focused on the facts.
Always thank the staff member for their time taking your call.


The Honorable _________________________ Washington , DC

In direct violation of the law, the FDA is threatening to ban my access to new dietary supplements.

The FDA defines dietary supplements as being "new" if they were introduced after October 15, 1994. That means that nutrients that I have been safely using over the course of three decades will be subject to FDA's oppressive policies that mandate costly animal testing, which translates into forced withdrawal from the market, and higher prices for me if the supplement is ever allowed to be sold again.

The Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994 states that:

"The Federal Government should not take any actions to impose unreasonable regulatory barriers limiting or slowing the flow of safe products and accurate information to consumers."

It says that Congress finds that:

"dietary supplements are safe within a broad range of intake, and safety problems with the supplements are relatively rare."

And it says that:

"legislative action that protects the right of access of consumers to safe dietary supplements is necessary in order to promote wellness."

This draft guidance does the exact opposite of what Congress intended. It imposes unreasonable barriers that limit and slow the flow of safe products and accurate information to consumers. I call upon Congress to:

Uphold the landmark legislation it passed seventeen years ago, and to direct the FDA to revise its New Dietary Ingredient draft guidelines to reflect DSHEA's (and Congress's) stated values and goals.
Vote against the newly introduced Dietary Supplement Labeling Act as this would give the FDA even greater arbitrary powers to remove safe dietary supplements from the market, and will profoundly impact this nation's health in a negative way.
All of these proposals result in wasteful federal spending, while at the same time impose a massive new "regulatory tax" on consumers and the vitamin industry.

Kindly let me know what actions you are taking in response to the urgent issues raised in this letter.


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