Relief for Headaches, Migraines, Stress, Insomnia, Fatigue, PMS, and Irritability

Years ago while in graduate school I learned about the importance of Magnesium Glycinate. I have mentioned it many times in my e-mails. Many of you have asked for additional information concerning this miracle mineral. I have personally noticed that I sleep great when I take Magnesium Glycinate before bed. Plus I have much faster muscle recovery when I work out. In addition it helps me to prevent muscle injury while I am working out.


Very few people are aware of the impact that magnesium has on maintaining overall health and well-being. After oxygen, water and basic food, magnesium may be the most important element a body needs. It activates over 350 different biochemical reactions, all necessary for the human body to function properly.


Magnesium is more important than calcium, potassium or sodium as it regulates all three. When we get too low on oxygen, water or food, the consequences are serious. Yet, we often don’t realize the consequences of low magnesium levels.

Millions suffer daily from symptoms that can be remedied or significantly improved by restoring sufficient amounts of magnesium. These include:

  • Inability to sleep
  • Fatigue
  • Body tension
  • Headaches
  • Heat-related problems
  • Low energy
  • PMS
  • Muscle tension and backaches
  • Bowel imbalances
  • Calcification of organs
  • Weakening bones
  • Accelerated aging
  • Changes in normal heartbeat
  • Needless worrying
  • Nervousness
  • Tightening of the muscles
  • Irritability

Most Americans need more magnesium-including many who are taking magnesium supplements. Why? First, the amount of magnesium the body requires is greater than most people think and their bodies are magnesium starved.” Second, the magnesium used in most tablet forms is not completely absorbed by the body.


This data is vital for everyone to know as it affects your overall health. It may also bring new hope to those who feel hopeless about improving their health. Using this information has changed the lives of many and may change your own as well.

The conditions and symptoms listed above are correctable by using the proper Magnesium Glycinate supplement.

Magnesium is by far the most important mineral in the body, activating over 350 different biochemical reactions, all necessary for the body to function properly.

"Much of the heart disease seen today is a direct result of low magnesium consumption." Mildred S. Seelig, M.D.


To understand the importance of magnesium, let’s consider this: among the 350 different processes in your body that magnesium activates are:

  • Digestion
  • Energy production
  • Muscle function
  • Bone formation
  • Creation of new cells
  • B vitamin utilization
  • Relaxation of muscles
  • Functioning of your heart, kidneys, adrenals, brain and nervous system.

Low magnesium levels can cause interference with any or all of these activities.

So, you see how many things can go wrong if you run too low on magnesium. Once magnesium is depleted, dozens of processes are disturbed, and many minerals and nutrients cannot perform their proper function. The body goes out of balance. Let’s look at some of the impacts low levels of magnesium can have on the body.


Magnesium plays a key role in the energy process within each individual cell and in our overall energy level. When insufficient magnesium is available, energy productions is inhibited, and the eventual outcome is fatigue and weakness. Magnesium is vital for the maintenance of adequate energy levels.

Magnesium is also essential for regulating potassium levels and for the functioning o f the adrenal glands; both are important for maintaining high energy. A magnesium drink will often help with restoring higher energy levels.


According to experts, “Most modern heart disease is caused by magnesium deficiency. A vas and convincing body of research, largely ignored, has convinced us and many of our colleagues of this fact. The diet of the industrial world is short on magnesium, and this is causing an epidemic of heart disease in the modern world.”

“The fact is that magnesium deficiency underlies much of the heart disease epidemic that consumes so many of our health-care dollars. Studies have linked low magnesium with many of the major risk factors for heart disease. Other studies show that the average Western processed-food diet is lower in magnesium that commonly acknowledged. While several essential nutrients are imperative for heart and blood vessel health, the vast research on low magnesium and its impact on heart health have gone unheeded, so much so that much of the heart disease seen today is a direct result of low magnesium consumption.”


Inability to sleep, muscle spasms, cramps, tension and feeling uncomfortable upon rising are caused by lack of minerals, particularly magnesium. All these conditions are signs of needing magnesium and are greatly helped by taking it.

Magnesium is essential for the proper functioning of the nervous system.

Inability to sleep, muscle spasms, cramps, tension and feeling uncomfortable upon rising are caused by a lack of minerals, particularly magnesium. The amount of magnesium the body requires is greater than most people think and their bodies are “magnesium starved.”

Without sufficient magnesium, the nerve cells cannot give or receive messages and become excitable and reactive. This causes a person to become stressed, highly sensitive and nervous. Noises will seem excessively loud and the person will jump at sudden sounds like a door slamming and will generally be nervous and on edge. Feelings of nervousness irritability and being unable to relax are signs of needing magnesium.


Headaches can be caused by lack of magnesium. The intake of magnesium can often help bring relief.

Blood sugar levels: Insulin is the hormone that helps with the regulation of glucose (sugar) metabolism. Magnesium has been found to improve insulin’s response to dietary sugar and to improve the action of insulin in regulating blood sugar levels.

Blood pressure: Studies show that oral magnesium has had a very positive effect on maintaining healthy blood pressure levels. Magnesium makes blood vessels relax and dilate—necessary for normal blood pressure.


Muscle spasms, cramps jerks, tics and hiccups can all be caused by a lack of magnesium. Take sufficient Magnesium Glycinate and may times, they will disappear. It is not calcium that handles this difficulties-in fact, too much calcium often causes them.

Magnesium and calcium work together to control muscle actions; an imbalance of either will causes tension and cramps. Magnesium relaxes the muscles. With insufficient magnesium the muscles stay tense, causing cramping. This can happen when you have too much calcium and too little magnesium. The same thing happens in the heart, which is a muscle. The heart goes into a spasm and can’t relax, so it “freezes” and can’t function normally. Tanking magnesium will instantly allow the heart to relax and continue beating normally.


PMS is greatly exaggerated and worsened by a lack of magnesium. Too much calcium will worsen PMS considerably because it throws off the mineral balance. In most cases relief can be obtained by taking Magnesium Glycinate.

When it comes to weak bones, magnesium is crucial in increasing bone mass, as it is magnesium that allows calcium to assimilate. One should accompany their calcium with the magnesium necessary for absorption.


According to the American Diabetes Association, projections of a continued rapid growth in the incidence of type 2 diabetes requires a cost-effective approach that can be widely employed to prevent or delay this major disorder. Published in the journal Diabetes Care, two recent studies suggest that an increase intake of magnesium could have a role in reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes.


Can too much calcium be a problem? Yes, it can.

Excess calcium is a very widespread problem. Excess calcium depletes magnesium from the body and, as a result, brings about all of the symptoms of magnesium depletion.

Calcium acts to excite nerves and is necessary for muscle contraction. Magnesium, on the other hand, calms nerves and is needed for muscle relaxation.

Normal cells contain 10,000 times more magnesium than calcium ions. If the amount of magnesium falls, however, calcium ions flow into the cell. With such an imbalance, calcium puts the cell into a hyperactive state. This can cause muscle contraction and lead to painful cramping. The muscles need magnesium in order to relax.

Low magnesium/high calcium levels can cause cells to physically change. High calcium makes bones stiff and hard, which is good, but in soft tissues it becomes a problem of calcification. This stiffness in artery and heart cells can hamper proper function and may be a factor in heart disease.

Calcium is an important essential nutrient, but it must be guarded and controlled, and balanced by adequate magnesium if it is not to cause damage to the cells and the body as a whole.

For these exact reasons excess calcium can become a real problem, while excess magnesium, on the other hand, is not of any concern. Unlike calcium, magnesium does not build up in the body-excess amounts are simply flushed out.

Consider the following: What country has the highest rate of pasteurized milk consumption? That’s right! America. Now, what country has the highest calcium supplement consumption? Correct again! America. So, America must have the lowest occurrence of osteoporosis, calcium loss and bone fragility. Right? Wrong! We have the highest rate! Why? Excess calcium combined with low magnesium. Taking more calcium will rarely remedy a calcium deficiency. This is clearly evident from the statistics. It is magnesium that will help to handle the calcium deficiency as well as the lack of adequate magnesium (it helps to solve any excess calcium from the body, while helping any needed calcium to assimilate).


The solution is to take magnesium in a form that can be completely dissolved in water. In this form it will absorb fast into the body, producing almost instant relief.

Our Magnesium Glycinate was developed especially for superior absorption. It handles excess calcium in the body and gradually dissolves calcium deposits. Magnesium Glycinate gives a new lease on life and provides the most absorbable, effective, fast-acting magnesium available anywhere.

Magnesium Glycinate can be taken safely on its own without side effects. Too little magnesium intake, however, is dangerous. Without enough magnesium, many serious disorders in the heart, arteries and other tissues can develop.

Magnesium Glycinate by itself without any calcium will help you feel younger, more energetic, stronger, and give you a multitude of other benefits, all a s a result of the magnesium being available to do its vital job.

Taking more calcium will rarely remedy a calcium deficiency. This is clearly evident from the statistics.