Thank u for your support

My Dear Friends,

You may have noticed that since
September we've been producing
a ton of ORIGINAL content.

We've always done so, but this
volume is new for us.

It's time-consuming and expensive
and has resulted in more than a
few 12 hour work days here.

Healthmasters hasn’t asked for money for the newsletters we have send out for over 30 years but what we do ask is that you SHARE the newsletters and videos and if possible support us by purchasing our High quality nutraceutical supplements and vitamins.
Many of you do so, thank you so much... For those of you who dont use supplements thats OK to... But I would like to
ask you a favor, please share these health emails with your entire list.

It's the only way we can continue to provide free information, let
alone grow.

If you are ALREADY a Facebook user,
here's one possible way to do it:

Now, I have extremely mixed feelings
about Facebook (just as I have about
Google, Microsoft and even Apple.)

That said, Facebook does have a good
platform for sharing...

If you are ALREADY a Facebook user,
we now have a Facebook page and we'd
greatly appreciate it if you'd "friend"
or "like" us or stick a thumb up or
whatever the heck it is people do on

If you have misgivings about Facebook,
join the club, but it is a way to get the
word out...and that's what Healthmasters
needs more than anything else.

Subscribers who are page-sharing

Here's our Facebook link



P.S. Please share Healthmasterse-mails and
videos with friends and colleagues.

That's how we grow. Thanks.
100 Ariana Blvd
Auburdale Florida 33823