
More Than One Vaccine Per Year Is Priming Children For Depression

More Than One Vaccine Per Year Is Priming Children For Depression

Dave Mihalovic,
Waking Times

Children currently receive 49 doses of 14 vaccines before the age of six. Experts now claim more than one vaccine within a one-year period may be programming children for depression by creating over overactive immune systems.

Sleeping Pills Increase Alzheimer’s Risk by 50%.

Has there ever been a nation more hooked on drugs than the United States?  And I am not just talking about illegal drugs – the truth is that the number of Americans addicted to legal drugs is far greater than the number of Americans addicted to illegal drugs.  As you will read about below, more than 30 million Americans are currently on antidepressants and doctors in the U.S. wrote more than 250 million prescriptions for painkillers last year. 
