
Don't be a statistic, This is an awful flu season. Don't participate! Here's how to stay healthy!

Getting everyone healthy is the point of my newsletters. The problem is everyone other than you folks who read my newsletters are probably confused and massively misinformed. In this issue I've got a great recommendation for you which incorporate the latest science. While there are no cure-alls, this new ingredient is designed for both specific health conditions and overall wellness. I am introducing a product called Immune Support DF.

Oral Chelation Therapy: A Natural Way to Clean Out the Arteries!


Cleaning out your arteries and ridding the body of toxic minerals i.e. lead, aluminum. A frequent topic of my newsletters is the continual deterioration of the cardiovascular system, which occurs with the aging process. The deterioration I am speaking about is the slow closing of the veins, arteries and capillaries, all 75,000 miles of them through calcium and fat plaquing. Let me tell you a story of an amazing product that can actually reverse this process.

Beware: Household Chemicals Can Destroy Your Health and Immune System!!


It's extremely frustrating to me that I continually learn about more and more poisons, toxins, pesticides and environmental issues that compromise our immune system, poison our bodies and destroy our brains. As a result, it's become almost commonplace to hear of a friend dying from some toxin-induced disease.

Two steps to help avoid Parkinsons. This is important information. All new!

 Parkinson's disease is awful.  Anyone living with it will attest to the destructive nature of this disease.
It has been a while since I have written on Parkinson’s. In earlier emails I stressed the importance of avoiding pesticides and herbicides. In this email  I will  address Parkinson’s and solvent exposure.
