Harrison Broer's blog

Antibiotics: Adverse Effects and Natural Alternatives

Antibiotic medications are some of the most commonly prescribed pharmaceuticals. According to a Pew research center, in 2015, there were nearly 270 million antibiotic prescriptions, which does not include the 18.4 million pounds of antibiotics that were used in agriculture [1]. Remember, antibiotics are live organisms, and when they are dumped into the environment, they become part of the environment and have the potential to change the world’s microbiome.

How to Fight Candida Through Diet

According to researchers at Rice University, it is estimated that 70 percent of people have Candida colonies in their intestines, mouths, or on their skins [1]. In most cases, this yeast is commensal, meaning it does not harm people, even though it depends upon them for food. However, if Candida colonies grow too large, they can lead to a yeast infection.

A Guide to Food Labels

For the average person, reading labels can be complicated. Since consumers are becoming more health-conscious than ever, many companies are marketing their products to be healthier than they truly are. Consequentially, many consumers are purchasing food products that are not as healthy as they believe.

Study Shows How Sugar Causes Cancer

According to the New Hampshire Depart of Health and Human Services, the average American consumes 152 pounds of sugar annually, which equates to three pounds weekly [1]. Ironically, although sugar is generally known to be harmful to human health in general, hospitals consistently offer their patients this cancer-causing substance, along with a high-carbohydrate diet.

Acne and Lifestyle: How to Lessen Its Effects

Acne vulgaris, also called hormonal acne or adult acne, affects people worldwide. The disease has exhibited a global distribution and has continued to increase in prevalence over time within the worldwide population, and this continued growth represents an unmet dermatologic need. According to research, hormonal acne will affect up to 80% of all people at some point between the ages of eleven and thirty [1] [2] [3].

Nine Unknown Facts About Fluoride

Fluoride is commonly accepted as a beneficial substance and necessary for proper oral health. However, when an individual realized human beings do not require fluoride for health, and people are never fluoride deficient, these assumptions and beliefs begin to fall apart. Oral health is easily maintainable without fluoride treatment in water and the ingredient in toothpaste.

How to Make the Vaccine Awareness Movement More Effective

I have spent much time researching the contemporary issue of mandatory vaccination and written many articles concerning the subject. We have examined the various safety concerns about continuous vaccinations and chronic immune stimulation. Further, we have investigated why, from the liberty and personal freedom perspective, mandatory and compulsory vaccination is antithetical to American values.
