Water Distiller Model 3200 (NEW)

New and improved model over the 8800
Be sure to check out my blog post for more information on our water distiller! Don't Poison Yourself with Drugs Added to Your Drinking Water! You’re looking at our most popular purifier/distiller—and for good reason! You can have 100% steam distilled water ready in the morning for a great tasting cup of coffee or tea. The carafe fits handily in the refrigerator for cool water enjoyment.
This compact, counter top distiller also goes with you as you travel, ready to refresh your family with sparkling clean water. You’ll love the ease of use and programmable convenience of the Model 3200. Simply fill the stainless steel boiler with tap water, press the start button and soon you’ll have pure, healthful water for all your cooking and drinking needs.
According to some studies, an astonishing 75,000 chemical compounds have been found in our water, yet the EPA has established enforceable safety standards for only 87. Many of these chemicals are potentially harmful and can spawn health problems. According to the Center for Disease Control in Atlanta, nearly one million people get sick from drinking contaminated water each year with about 1,000 cases tragically ending in death. Often using outdated technology, many municipalities simply weren’t built to handle the influx of modern-day contaminants. A host of pollutants such as pesticides, herbicides, toxic waste from landfills, chemical and oil spills, acid rain and more find their way into our water supplies. Most often this water is treated with chlorine or chloramines to control bacterial growth which, according to some health experts, may also contribute to illness. Even if the water that leaves the treatment plants meets EPA minimum safety standards, health threats don’t stop there. The water may pass through unsafe water lines that recontaminate it on the way to your home. Examine your pipes and those of water distribution systems and you’ll find the insides of some of these pipes caked with mineral, biological and chemical deposits. In some cases the pipes themselves may leach copper and lead! Another threat lurking inside older water pipes is bio-film, composed of layers of bacteria that can harbor pathogens like E. coli. And don’t think well water is any safer because ground water pollutants may also seep into that source. Add to that the chlorine and other chemicals commonly used to treat well water, and you have drinking and cooking water that is chemically altered.
One aspect of the distillation process is that all minerals get removed from the water; both the bad and the good. Adding Healthmasters Aqua Trace (click here) to the water after distillation is a fantastic way to correct this deficiency and add back those essential minerals. To re-mineralize your water add 20-40 drops per gallon of water. 40 drops will provide 250mg of magnesium, which most individuals are woefully deficient in.
The sad truth is our water supply is compromised by harmful chemicals. EPA standards require water treatment plants to reduce certain contaminants. Annual reports issued by the EPA for 2002 indicate that there were 80,635 documented violations nationwide. When violations occur, “boil water” alerts are issued but, by then, you may have already consumed contaminated water. You have to ask yourself the question, “Over the course of my life, how will these chemicals and trace pollutants affect my health and that of my family?” Consider what this means if, over the course of your life, you drink approximately 13,000 gallons of water. There could be undetected contaminants in each glass you drink having a cumulative affect on your health for the worse. That’s why it’s so important you make doubly sure the water you drink is 100% steam distilled. You can take control of your water quality today and enjoy peace of mind. And the best way to do that is by investing in your health and the health of your family with one of our guaranteed Waterwise purifier/distillers.
*This product is not eligible for free shipping offer.
** This can not ship to a PO Box, it must be shipped to a physical address.
Distiller, BPA-Free Polycarbonate Collector/Carafe and 1 Carbon Post Filter
Distillate Capacity: 6 Gallons (22.7 liters) in 24 hours
Dimensions: 15” (38 cm) Height, 10.5” (26.7 cm) Depth, 15.4” (39 cm) Width
Net Weight: 14.3 Ibs (6.4 kgs)
Rating: 120VAC/60Hz 800W
Water Distiller 3200
I purchased my 3200 Distiller a couple of weeks ago. I love this distiller! This is one of the best purchases in my life! I believe pure water is essential for foundational health. I wash my face and brush my teeth with my distilled water. I purchased the drops of trace minerals to add to the distilled water as well. I am very thankful to God, to Dr. Ted Broer and all of his staff at Healthmasters
Be blessed!
Tricia E.
Water Distiller 3200
I ordered this distiller from Healthmasters and got it in less than 2 days. That's what I call great service. Thank you, Dr Ted.
I love the finish of this distiller. It's very easy to use and it has all the marks of a carefully designed product. You pay the luxury with about an extra $100, compared to other countertop distillers, but I'd say it's worth it. I love a good quality, made in USA product!