Could massive doses of Vitamin C knock out the Ebola Virus in anyone?
Could massive doses of Vitamin C knock out the Ebola Virus in anyone?
Whether Ebola is a natural virus that has gone rouge or a form of biological warfare , know that you do not need to fear. With the advancment of natural solutions there are treatments for just about anything – and that includes the latest Ebola virus that has come to the U.S. in Dallas.
Specifically for Ebola; vitamin C may be the answer.
To date, not a single virus has been tested that is not inactivated (killed) by a large enough dose of vitamin C . Not the GMO kind, but rather the naturally occurring Vitamin C like our Excellent C. This vitamin is easily disseminated throughout the body with very little resistance, non-toxic at every level. It is also quite bio-available during an attack on the body by a virus.
Vitamin C works primarily by activating the ‘Fenton reaction,’ which can proceed inside the virus, inside cells in which viruses are replicating, and on the surfaces of the viruses themselves. The vitamin also does a great job of supporting the immune system in general to fight off all illness and disease.
Frederick Klenner, MD, considered the father of the clinical applications of vitamin C, has documented the effects of the vitamin on viruses extensively. There is also a record of a New Zealand H1N1 (swine flu) patient who was taken off life-support after heavy doses of vitamin C.
Yet another study conducted on AIDS patients at Linus Pauling Institute of Science and Medicine in Palo Alto, California found that, “ascorbate (Vitamin C) reduced the growth of HIV in cultured human lymphocytes, in concentrations not harmful to the cells.”
Dr. Robert Cathcart, who has more experience treating potentially deadly infections with high dose vitamin C than a throng of doctors, says, “the Ebola virus kills by way of free radicals which can be neutralized by massive doses of sodium ascorbate intravenously.”
Could high doses of Excellent C successfully eliminated all known viruses? You be the judge.