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New Study Reveals Children are Being Vaccinated With Toxic Levels of Aluminium Causing Neurological Damage and Autism

A recent study conducted by Canadian scientists Professor Christopher Shaw and Dr. Lucija Tomljenovic revealed that the more vaccines that children receive containing the adjuvant aluminum, the greater their chance is of developing autism, autoimmune diseases and neurological problems in the future.

Would Big Pharma Kill to Suppress a Breakthrough Cancer Treatment?


By now, it’s fairly common knowledge that Big Pharma’s business practices are far from scrupulous. They were forced to pay $11 billion in fines (just between 2009 and 2012) for what the courts officially labeled criminal wrongdoing. They manipulate science, fund only the studies that benefit their biases, and cut corners wherever they can (thus putting our health at great risk by bringing unsafe products to market).

They don’t care about you or your health…just your money.

Deadliest Heart Myths. The 12 Facts, Fads and Fallacies. Must Read Info!

What an eye-opening time it has been concerning baby boomers and their own mortality. Two Baby Boomer entertainment icons dead, one incredibly talented pitchman dead, and finally, my 46-year-old friend, Robert Reed, dead. Hopefully, we all paid attention to last week. I promise you, we will have more like it. The baby boomers were the first generation to be raised entirely on processed food. That is why we are leading the world when it comes to heart disease, diabetes and cancer.

Is potassium iodine necessary for overall health? Must read information!


Dear Friends,

I have cut and pasted the FDA guidelines for iodine use in the event of a radiation release.
It may save your family’s life.

Here is some more technical info on the Japan disaster and the importance of getting iodine into your system as soon as possible.

As we all know the Fukushima power plant , it was knocked about in the huge earthquake that hit Japan. There is continued radioactive material leakage at the Fukushima Daiichi power plant.

Top Ten Cereals never to Eat. Avoid these Products like the Plague!

By now, nearly everyone interested in healthy living is aware of the recent research providing viable proof that Monsantos GMO round up ready corn causes cancer tumors and an increase risk of premature death in laboratory experiments.

 Proposition 37 -- which seeked to label GMOs in foods -- got a massive amount of support, but it was still not enough to beat the multi million dollar monsanto lobbyist.

Toxic Splenda is now showing possible Neurotoxic Properties in research study!

It seems like every few months a new study is published on the REAL truth about splenda and its substantial side effects. Yet, it is still marketed to the world as a extremely safe, side effect-free alternative to high caloric sweeteners like sugar and honey.   
