Harrison Broer MBA's blog

Six Health Benefits of Honey

Honey is one of nature’s wonders. Made by an insect, the natural sweetener has undergone an in-depth exploration by scientists, and many healing facts of honey have been unsealed. In this article, we will review some of these published, peer-reviewed studies highlighting the healing traits of honey.*

Detoxifying Properties of Probiotics

People generally regard probiotics as vital for one’s gut health, but that is a massive understatement. In the human body, these microorganisms outnumber human cells 10:1 and hold over 90% of the body’s genetic information. Withal, though, these microorganisms also breakdown and detoxify various human-made chemicals that enter the gut.

Have Cures for Type-1 Diabetes Been Overlooked?

Sometimes, it seems advocates of the natural health community guffaw at pharmaceutical companies for their search of a cure when there are natural substances that have been shown to aid someone or reverse a disease’s effects. Type-1 diabetes is regularly deemed as uncurable, and public and private entities have funded research into its cure.

Five Common Household Chemicals That Are Toxic

People like effective products, and who can blame them? Yet, effective does not mean safe. Companies and organizations have developed and added chemicals to products in hopes of making them more effective and gathering a larger market share; however, those added chemicals pose health risks, regardless if they are deemed “safe” by government agencies. We have already examined the safety of the synthetic sweeteners aspartame and sucralose.
