Stop the Madness!: The Truth Behind the Headlines from the Ted and Austin Broer Show

Has anyone noticed the lack of bees and pesky insects lately? Exposing this topic in his recent article, “Global Food Chain Experiencing a Major Extinction Event and Scientists Don’t Even Know Why,” Michael Snyder states that we currently are experiencing an insect apocalypse. Although the article does not explain the steep decline in the insect population, I can give you a few possible reasons why. They are making hybrid seeds with corn containing insecticides! This food source of the bees has become poison! The pesticides kill the bees that pollinate plants. With Roundup being added to the food supply, we now have an apocalypse, a 50-70% drop off in the insect population—insects which are needed to pollinate. Soon, and very possibly they have already developed it, Monsanto is going to make crops that self-pollinate—requiring no insects at all. Without these Monsanto crops, farmers will be unable to produce plants that will pollinate or yield fruit. They want to control the food supply—which in turn controls the population. This is what they are doing.

Monsanto Frankenstein seeds, with their terminator genes, are being promoted and pushed into third world countries such as India, Pakistan, Africa, and most countries throughout the globe. Without continually buying these "terminator" seeds (seeds which can no longer self-reproduce), the population would starve, and add to this all the chemtrails; not only are they spraying us with chemicals, but the chemtrails cut out sunlight, thereby reducing the amount of vitamin D that our bodies can make. Vitamin D is essential for the immune system. They want to make us sicker—and they want to control and reduce the food for the general population.

This all dates back to the 1950s and the protocols of the Jason Scholars, whose primary concern of the planet is population reduction. They have pushed this agenda for 60-70 years. Now, finally, like a giant tidal wave across the globe, population reduction is catching on. They’ve been very effective at reducing the white population; now, they are trying to bring all countries together in their globalist scheme to make a mestizo race. They want to stop nationalism, so everyone will submit to them and accept their tyrannical agenda. All of this is being done to us right under our noses.

People in the United States today have pesticide levels that are through the roof. A recent study has proven the importance of eating an organic diet. Published by Environmental Research and titled, “Organic Diet Intervention Significantly Reduces Urinary Pesticide Levels in the U.S. Children and Adults,” this peer-reviewed study shows that the high levels of pesticides in the body could be dropped by 60% in only one week—just by eating a completely organic diet! These results were characterized as groundbreaking by the critics of the industrial food system, which relies heavily on synthetic toxins and chemicals to grow crops and raise livestock. God created our bodies to function in surprising ways! The liver, the kidneys, and the lymphatic system can pull the poisonous pesticides out of the body quickly if given a chance. To learn more about this study, one can find it online in a PDF.

Monsanto, a completely globalist corporation, is run and owned by the Rothschilds. In Germany, the conglomerate IG Farben, which created chemicals, fluorine gas, and sarin gas, was broken down into Monsanto, Bayer, and other smaller corporations. These smaller corporations are just Rothchild fronts. Ninety percent of major corporations buy up little companies with their fiat currency to create an illusion that they don’t have a monopoly on everything. By using many different names on their companies, such as Smith or Eichmann, the public gets a false impression that this mega-corporation is several independently run entities. These big corporations want small companies to sell out to give them complete and total control over all industry. If every store in a town had Rothchild on it—the Rothchild service station, the Rothchild five and ten, the Rothchild mini market—soon people would catch on and oppose this total monopoly. Although hidden through obfuscation—that is what we have!

Another serious problem is the international banking cartels, who own all the mortgages on ninety percent of the properties and businesses. They own everything because they own real estate. In the 1920s and 1930s, they intentionally contracted the M1 money supply, the money in circulation so that everyone would default on their loans. With a foreclosure, all the property would return to the bankers. When people tried to use gold for payment, the government confiscated all the gold! (This happened in 1933.) In 1934, the Exchange Stability Fund was set up to take over the treasury of the United States. The goal is and always has been total power and control by a small group of elite globalist players. Why is this not common knowledge? Why is this not discussed? Because it is not politically correct to speak of the Rothschilds and others who run the world through their money schemes, wars, and corruption, the mainstream media is owned by these very people who control the news narrative, and because many of them are Jewish, and you would be labeled an anti-Semite. However, the fact is, these globalists are not the ordinary Jewish people, most of whom have no idea that this is going on. Many of the elitists aren’t even Jewish! More likely, this is the synagogue of Satan that Jesus talked about in Revelation 3:9—"those who claim to be Jews and are not.” The political correctness must stop. It is enabling these greedy globalists to move their agenda ahead, unchecked. It must come to an end.

To further their plan of complete control, there is a push to integrate all the different religions into one: Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity, and other less popular faiths. The pope is trying to unite Muslims and Christians under one religion. John Hagee is trying to merge hardcore Talmudic Judaism into Christianity. This is not possible! These belief systems are mutually exclusive. They’re opposites. They’re opposed! If we point this out, we are called anti-Christian, anti-Semite, or anti-Muslim. If they put everyone under one religion, they can obfuscate their real purpose--which is total control under Lucifer and his satanic agenda! They can hide the underlying fact that with all these groups of different ethnic backgrounds their doctrine is Luciferian. Many running the show are high-level Masonic leaders, who are obsessed with Lucifer and his seething energies. The lower level Masonic leaders are unaware of this, which only helps them hide their real intent from the unsuspecting public.

It is time to stop pretending. It is time to address these issues and do away with political correctness. Even this nonsense of “white privilege” is part of the deception, more smoke, and mirrors. We have to wake up and realize that we ALL have to work together and tell people the truth. The churches need to step up. Strong men of character and leaders need to take their role at the forefront. Where are the pastors? Why do they refuse to talk about late-term abortion, the sins of homosexuality, and the satanic agenda being pushed on the United States? Why aren’t they speaking out against the teaching of little children to become lesbians and gays at five, six, and seven years old?

Oh, that’s right. I know why. I already answered that question, didn’t I? It’s because of political correctness because we’re not telling the truth anymore. It is time we stand up and call people out when they do wrong. It doesn’t matter if they are a Christian--or from any religious or ethnic group. If a group of people is working in a concerted effort to destroy the rest of us, we need to say something! We need to stop being scared of being called a bigot or a racist or a hater.

The Daily Mail just released this: “Eighty percent of Vatican priests are gay according to an explosive new book which claims to uncover double lives of homophobic priests who use male prostitutes.” Unbelievable! It goes on, “This 570-page exposé will be released next week as pope holds sex abuse summit.” These priests have been infiltrated. Back in the 60s, the Catholic Church was infiltrated by secret societies. They started running drug money for the CIA. Read the book Operation Gladio: The Unholy Alliance between the CIA, the Vatican, and the Mafia. It tells how the entire church hierarchy is ultimately and entirely corrupt by these gay priests who claim to be followers of Christ--yet sodomize little children. So, now I just hammered the Catholics. Well, stay tuned for more. Stay tuned to the Ted and Austin Broer Show. Sooner or later we’re going to hammer somebody that you don’t like us hammering--because we point out the truth.

Remember: it’s so important that we understand our enemy is not the Jews. Our enemy is not general people in the population. Our enemy is the synagogue of Satan, this unseen hand that has worked for generations--the same group of people, the same druids, the sorcerers--the same group of people from Genesis chapter six who worshiped the fallen angels. These have woven their cloth of deceit and treachery through eons of time, right up until our present day. What is who we are fighting in this battle. It’s not against flesh and blood, but against all of these things, against these principalities that control weak-willed individuals who allow them to continue to do what they need to do to promote their agenda. May God continue to help us, to give us the strength to stop this madness.

To end on a positive note, President Trump did something enormously exemplary: In the fiscal year 2018, he cut 63 million dollars of funding to the Broadcasting Board of Governors, which is the taxpayer-funded mainstream media revenue source. Because of this considerable cut, the mainstream fake news media is in a meltdown, having massive layoffs. In 2019, Trump plans to cut another 24 million! Where the actual facts are known, there is hope.

For more truth behind the headlines, tune in to The Ted and Austin Broer Show!