Pastor Chris Hodges 7 Day Fasting Protocol kit

SKU: 4070 / 4157 / 0091879 / 998100223
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Recomended by Pastor Chris Hodges as a top tier 7 day fasting program designed to opitmize your health and cleanse your organs.



1. GHI Cleanse: 2 scoops, 2x per day.

2. Ultimate Multiple Vitamin w/o Iron: 2 capsules AM and 2 capsules PM.

3. Excellent Vitamin C: 4 capsules per day, morning, noon, late afternoon and evening.

4. Ultra Omega Fish Oil: 2 capsules, 1 AM and 1 PM.

*This kit is designed to give you 1 week of fasting shakes provided in the GHI cleanse, and four weeks of the other products.



Ultimate Multiple w/o Iron (Capsules)
GHI Cleanse
Vitamin C ( Excellent C )
Ultra Omega Fish Oil