Are Childhood Immunizations Really Necessary, Are They Safe and Do They Work?
I have sent this out before but in light of all the vaccine related deaths and injuires, I fealt everyone needs to re-read this and understand the risk of injecting your child with these toxins.
Most children in the United States receive thirty-three doses of ten different vaccines before they reach age five, according to a report aired by CBS News in September 2000. The vaccines reportedly provide protection for “everything from childhood diseases like chicken pox to adult diseases like hepatitis B.”
I have told my readers for thirty years that I believe there is a correlation between vaccines and autism. However I also believe that this is a multifaceted problem. There are many toxins in today's environment that are probability involved in this massive increase in autism.
Recently a supposedly top CDC official after being tormented with guilt for ten years is claiming anonymously, with hidden research that the MMR shot is linked to autism in black males and was intentionally covered up by the CDC. If this man comes forward and his claims are found to be true it will be earth shattering to the multibillion dollar vaccine industry.
It will also be the end of his professional career.
This disclosure if true, is actually a really big deal to me. I wrote a book on this over ten years ago. Main stream pediatric medicine along with the vaccine industries have been helping to cover this truth for over thirty years.
I have been in business since 1981. For over thirty years I have been talking about key issues like immunizations, statins, hydrogenated oils, sodium nitrate, fluoride, chlorine, artificial sweeteners ,bovine growth hormone, exogenous estrogens like soy and BPA, Ritalin and attention deficit disorder, prozac and suicide, prozac and school shootings. This list just goes on and on.
The problem is that I have been decades ahead of my time warning you about these threats.
My time is spent primarily in reading and research. That's why you can count on
Everything, I tell you is heavily documented.
Healthmasters products are simply the best in the world. That's why they are so effective.
In the past month many of you have heard me on radio and tv speaking about Ebola , the threat of the open southern border and disease transmission and the tragic suicide of the depressed Robin Williams . Friends please read these emails they are sent free to you to help you and your family to stay healthy. For those of you who have decided to buy your supplements from us and have become proactive in your health. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Below you will find two links to the CDC breaking story and an extensive article I have written on immunizations.
I call you all Blessed!
Ted Broer
Meanwhile, for decades a growing number of reputable researchers and medical doctors have been suggesting that, in addition to immunities, these vaccines may provide some things that are much less desirable. For some children, they may be causing mental retardation, SIDS, paralysis and death.
New research appears to implicate childhood immunizations as the suspected cause of a host of autoimmune diseases in genetically susceptible individuals. The list includes cancer, leukemia, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, Lou Gehrig’s disease, lups erythematosus, Guillain-Barre syndrome, autistic spectrum disorders and even ADHD.
One element of mass immunization distresses me. We live in the United States of America, a nation
governed by constitutional principles protecting the rights of individuals from governmental oppression.
Yet, parents who dare to question the wisdom of immunizing their children can face strong-arm tactics from school districts that include forced removal of their children and even criminal prosecution! The only course left to many of them is legal action in courts—courts that could appear to demonstrate a strong bias toward the medical establishment and the “party line.”
Something is seriously wrong with a system that makes conscientious and thoughtful parents feel like criminals because they want to protect their children from what they believe is a very risky and unnecessary medical procedure.
America’s Love Affair With Mass Immunizations
The natural tendency for concerned parents is to consult with a trusted family physician for advice and assistance in wading through the conflicting evidence. Unfortunately, even the medical community seems to be giving mixed signals. (This may be due to the obvious conflict of interest between the medical professionals and the high profits generated by mass immunizations and the considerable influence wielded by pharmaceutical giants.)
A resolution was presented at the 1982 Forum of the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) proposing that pediatricians should help inform parents about the risks as well as the supposed benefits of immunizations. This is what the proposal said in part:
[The] AAP [shall] make available in clear, concise language information
which a reasonable parent would want to know about the benefits and
risks of routine immunizations, the risks of vaccine preventable diseases
and the management of common adverse reactions to immunizations.
The late Dr. Mendelsohn responded to the outcome by saying, “Apparently the doctors assembled did not believe that ‘reasonable parents’ were entitled to this kind of information because they rejected the resolution!”3
Thousands of parents in the United States, Great Britain, Germany and many other nations refuse to accept the official “party line” of the medical and pharmaceutical communities about the total safety of compulsory immunizations. Why? They believe their children were irreparably harmed or killed by complications from childhood immunizations.
More and more of them are banding together to establish advocacy organizations and legislative lobby groups. They are also financing lawsuits against officials in school districts, state health departments and federal agencies when necessary.
These parents want to know why childhood cases of autism have increased 500 percent in just two decades. They also want to know why juvenile cases of asthma jumped 100 percent and juvenile diabetes levels rocketed to the 200 percent mark. For the most part, the persistent questions of these parents are answered by little more than a mountain of excuses and official scorn by the medical establishment. It doesn’t matter. These parents and others like them are on a crusade for life.
In the meantime, the World Health Organization is quietly stating what a growing minority of medical experts in the U.S. believe is the scientifically based truth about disease and immunizations.
Research has clearly shown that adequate amounts of vitamin A, zinc and other essential nutrients significantly reduce the risk and mortality rates of diseases such as measles and of outbreaks of diarrhea. This is especially true in so-called Third World nations and other areas where malnutrition and poor sanitation conditions exist.4 Recent research indicates that vitamin A in particular may even lower the risk that HIV/AIDS mothers will pass on the disease to their babies at childbirth.5
While the World Health Organization still endorses immunizations in those countries, it is citing scientific research that shows proper nutrition is the first line of defense against many viral and bacterial diseases in so-called Third World nations.
Who should have the authority to weigh the potential benefits against the potential risks of immunizations for your child? Unfortunately, the decision has already been made for most of us.
In many, if not most, states, a government medical official has already made all the decisions for you concerning when, what, how and how many immunizations your children will receive. If you disagree, your children will be denied access to public education, including colleges and universities.
Don’t be surprised if you wake up to the knock of a sheriff’s deputy with a bench warrant to remove your school-age children from you home just to make sure they receive those immunizations! Does this sound far-fetched? It has happened.
I read in one article that school officials in Utica, New York, had threatened the parents of seventy-seven middle school students with forcible removal of their children unless they agreed to submit them to vaccination with the highly controversial hepatitis B vaccine. If the parents refused, officials were prepared to forcibly remove the children from their homes and turn them over to Child Protective Services on the legal grounds of parental neglect within two weeks!6 Remember: This didn’t happen in some repressive totalitarian state on another continent. It took place on American soil.
In response, Jane M. Orient, M.D., executive director of American Physicians and Surgeons, spoke out in the same article on behalf of the families and said, “It’s obscene to seize a child and force him to the custody of strangers just because his parents refuse medical treatment they think is unnecessary or even dangerous. Parents, not…government bureaucrats, should make decisions about their children’s medical care.”7
Officials often say they are acting in the child’s best interest, but the claim is questionable at best in cases where the scientific evidence suggests otherwise. Dr. Orient warned that the latest vaccination rage, the hepatitis B vaccine, “…is a potential death sentence for some children. Government studies show that children under the age of fourteen are three times more likely to die or suffer adverse reactions after receiving hepatitis B vaccine than to catch the disease itself.”8
In spite of the evidence, zealous immunization advocates determined to eradicate disease, even if the effort kills and maims more victims than the disease, have pressed to make the hepatitis B vaccine the latest addition to the compulsory immunization laws of most states.
Ironically, hepatitis B is almost exclusively an adult disease primarily spread through the body fluids among those with multiple sex partners, those who use intravenous drugs or those whose occupations expose them to blood. Children face a very low risk of exposure unless they are infected by their mother at birth.
Most of the children in the United States are required to receive several common immunizations, including (but not limited to):
- DtaP/DPT/DPTH (One of three combined-vaccines: diphtheria-tetanus-acellular pertussis, which is a less reactive modification of DPT/diphtheria-pertussis-tetanus/diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis-hemophilus influenza type B).
- MMR (measles-mumps-rubella)
- “Conjugated” HIB (hemophilus influenza type B)
- Hepatitis B
- Chicken pox (Many states have added or are considering vaccinations for chicken pox and many other lesser diseases as well.)
Perhaps the first question to consider is obvious: Have compulsory immunizations really controlled or eliminated childhood diseases? If you believe the continual claims of government and medical spokesmen and state health departments, the nation’s childhood immunization programs are man’s savior from disease.
According to “cause of death” statistics from Metropolitan Life Insurance Company recorded from 1911 to 1935, four disease topped the list as causes of death for children aged one to fourteen: diphtheria, measles, scarlet fever and whooping cough.9
The death rate from these four leading childhood diseases declined from forty-five per one hundred thousand in 1911 to twenty-eight per one hundred thousand in 1935—or a decrease of 81 percent! By 1945, the combined death rate from these diseases had dropped further to seven per one hundred thousand.10 This amounts to a total decline in deaths from the top four childhood diseases of 95 percent—years before mass immunization programs began in the United States.11
Perhaps the best way to make sense of the most common immunizations is to examine diseases they allegedly eliminate or control as well.
Measles (rubeola or “English measles”) is a common childhood illness treated with bed rest and plenty of fluids. Most people who attended school in the 1950s and early 1960s remember staying home from class to recover from the measles. They usually aren’t remarkable memories, because the symptoms of the disease aren’t really remarkable as long as a child was well-nourished and living in sanitary conditions.
Once a child contracts measles, he gains lifetime immunity. The only dangerous derivative of the measles virus is measles encephalitis, which is said to happen only once in one thousand cases of measles.
Dr. Mendelsohn believed that this statistic could only be applied to children living in conditions of poverty or malnutrition. Odds of one in ten thousand or one in one hundred thousand are more likely in the U.S. and other developed countries!12 Ironically, Dr. Mendelsohn and other medical authorities and researchers claim the immunization itself carries a high risk of causing measles encephalitis, encephalopathy (or brain dysfunction) and the nearly always fatal SSPE, or subacute sclerosing panencephalitits (which hardens brain matter).13
The measles serum has a very checkered history for these reasons:
IT DOESN’T SEEM TO WORK. According to a U.S. Centers for Disease Control report, 40 percent of all cases of measles reported in 1989 were in vaccinated individuals or could be attributed to “primary measles vaccine failure.”14 These same figures showed up in the fourteen measles outbreaks in 1977.15
One World Health Organization (WHO) study said people who have been vaccinated against measles are fourteen times likely to contract measles than those who have not!16 One official with the Centers for Disease Control said that in some measles outbreaks, “…over 95 percent have a history of vaccination.”17
Blood tests show no evidence of measles antibodies after approximately four years. After measles outbreaks occurred among fully immunized high school and college students, the Immunization Practices Advisory Committee recommended in 1989 that two doses of measles vaccine be required.
Since 1990, colleges and universities in twenty-two states established a
“Pre-matriculation Immunization Requirement” forcing students to get two
measles shots before they can matriculate from college! (This in spite of
scientific evidence that two doses of the vaccine are no more effective
than one.)18
RECENT RESEARCH REPEATEDLY POINTS TO THE MEASLES COMPONENT OF THE MMR VACCINE AS A POSSIBLE SOURCE OF THE EXPLODING AUTISM EPIDEMIC SWEEPING THROUGH THE NATION. Vijendra K. Singh, Ph.D., of the Department of Biology and Biotechnology Center at Utah State University, testified before a congressional committee that in a study of four hundred people (composed of those diagnosed with autism and a control group exhibiting no symptoms of autistic spectrum disorders), she found a brain protein known as myelin basic protein (MBP) in 65 to 85 percent of autistic children, but only rarely (0 to 5 percent) in normal children.
Further investigation verified that the autoantibodies were created as part of a hyper-immune response to a virus—specifically for the measles virus (MV). Dr. Singh summarized her testimony with these astounding statements: “This was most probably the first laboratory-based evidence to link measles virus and/or MMR vaccine to autoimmunity in children with autism. Collectively, these observations led me to speculate that autism may be caused by a measles—or MMR vaccine-induced autoimmune response.”19
Mumps is a very contagious disease caused by a virus that focuses on the salivary glands on either side of the neck under the jaw. It causes painful swelling along the jaw line just below the ears, along with fever, headache, muscle aches and back pain. It may also cause swelling in testicles, ovaries and breasts.
The disease is uncomfortable but rarely serious. The painful swelling may diminish after the third day, and all symptoms disappear in about ten days. The downside, which is made even more dangerous by the delaying effect of the temporary immunity provided by childhood mumps immunization, is that about one-third of males past the age of puberty who contract mumps develop orchitis, or inflammation of one of the testes (it rarely affects both testicles).
The side effects of the mumps vaccine can be severe, including a risk of contracting viral meningitis, febrile seizures, unilateral nerve deafness and encephalitis.
Rubella is a mild disease in children that does not require medical treatment. A child runs a fever and exhibits the symptoms of a cold and a sore throat at first. Then he or she develops a rash on the face and scalp that spreads to the arms and trunk of the body. Unlike measles, the spots in rubella, or “German measles,” do not run together. With plenty of rest and fluids, the rash and the disease fade away after three days, leaving the child with permanent immunity.
The only real danger of rubella is that it may damage the unborn child of a mother who contracts the disease in the first trimester of pregnancy. In Dr. Mendelsohn’s words, “This fear is used to justify the immunization of all children, boys and girls, as part of the MMR inoculation.”20
Many health providers feel that childhood immunizations deprive young women of the lifelong immunity they would have received from the rubella virus in harmless childhood stage of life, for the immunizations do not always last. This is one of the really irritating problems plaguing the immunization program—most of the people who come down with this and other childhood diseases consistently show proof of previous vaccinations. As demonstrated elsewhere, this is the problem behind the re-vaccination of college students.
Recent studies have linked the new rubella vaccine introduced in 1979 with chronic fatigue syndrome (also known as the Epstein-Barr virus). This link was first reported in the United States in 1982.21 Although many hospitals require employees (including obstetricians and pediatricians) to take the rubella vaccine, a study appearing in the Journal of the American Medical Association noted that nine of every ten obstetricians and more than two-thirds of pediatricians refused to take the vaccine.22 One can only wonder why they would take such an action. We may never know, but it seems to beg the need for some explanation by these physicians who are most familiar with the possible risks involved.
Diphtheria is a bacterial disease that was widely feared in the previous century when antibiotics were unavailable. The disease was already disappearing before a vaccine became available (probably due to better nutrition, cleaner water sources and more sanitary living conditions nationwide and particularly in larger cities).
Only five people contracted diphtheria in 1980; only four cases appeared in 1992. The disappearance of this disease before the introduction of vaccines has been explained and documented earlier using insurance tables. Obviously the disease rarely occurs. When it does, it is effectively treated with modern antibiotics. Nevertheless, we continue to immunize children against it today.
The diphtheria component of the DPT and DtaP vaccine has not been shown to cause serious short-term side effects. Its long-term effects—as with any injection of foreign bodies into the human body—remain totally unknown. Formaldehyde is used to “stabilize” the diphtheria vaccine, but the dangers of formaldehyde as a carcinogen are well documented. The use of this chemical (and many others such as mercury and aluminum) in vaccine production will be discussed at greater length later in this book with the full documentation it deserves.
In 1975, the Bureau of Biologics and the FDA concluded in an official report that diphtheria toxoid (which is the “safe” form of the disease used for vaccination) “…is not as effective an immunizing agent as might be anticipated.” The report also acknowledged that those who received the vaccination could still contract the disease, noting “the permanence of immunity induced by the toxoid…is open to question.”23 The report noted that about 50 percent of all the people who contract diphtheria appear to have been fully vaccinated!
Whooping cough (pertussis) is spread by airborne bacteria from an infected person and is extremely contagious. Common cold symptoms surface approximately seven to ten days after exposure, followed by a severe cough at night. Late the cough occurs in the daytime, characterized by sudden outbursts of convulsive coughing called “paroxysmal coughing.” This coughing can frighten parents when their child coughs a dozen times with each breath, especially if his face darkens to a bluish or purple hue. The disease gets its name from the whooping noise that a victim makes when he or she takes in breath at the end of each coughing bout.
The disease can strike any age group. Currently between one thousand to three thousand cases of whooping cough occur per year, with between five and twenty deaths annually across the nation. Although the disease is very distressing to young victims and their parents, the incidence of death is virtually negligible. Consistent findings show this vaccine does tend to lower incidences of outbreak cases. Yet it is notorious for “wearing out” after a few years and for being totally ineffective very often.
Consult a doctor if an infant comes down with whooping cough. Hospital care may be required to protect the child from the threat of exhaustion from coughing and pneumonia.
The pertussis or whooping cough component of the DPT vaccine is one of the most controversial of all vaccines. Many consider it to be unpredictable, toxic and questionable in its ability to actually prevent infection with the disease.
Multiple research studies link the pertussis vaccine (whether given alone or as part of a DPT combination) with acute brain injury, anaphylactic shock, shock-collapse, inconsolable crying, febrile seizures, convulsions, sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), severe and moderate encephalopathy, severe mental retardation, cerebral palsy, blindness, irreversible brain damage, myoclonic twitching, paralysis, infantile spasms, epilepsy and hyperactivity.24
Most parents of vaccinated children probably wont be surprised by these findings. Researchers found that 93 percent of the infants who received the DPT shot experienced moderate to severe reactions within forty-eight hours of inoculation!25 That alone is alarming.
I urge special caution if you or your child has a history of allergies or seizures. The pertussis toxin has another name—HSF, or “histamine sensitizing factor.” That means it dramatically increases the human body’s sensitivity to the effects of histamine. If your child has severe allergies (especially toward milk or dairy products), he or she may well have a hypersensitive immune system that could predispose him or her to a negative (and possibly violent) reaction to the pertussis vaccine.
One physician discovered a history of allergies with twenty of thirty-five children who reacted to the DPT-polio vaccine with persistent screaming, shock/collapse or convulsions. Another noted that “infants with a family history of fits or allergic conditions are more likely to become ill after vaccination that those without such a history.”26
Although 95 percent of the children in the United States have been vaccinated against whooping cough, the nation still records about three thousand cases per year, and the vaccine’s effect seems to wear off in a few years.27
Despite continuous official disclaimers, numerous research studies also point to a probable connection between the pertussis vaccine used in the U.S. until recently and the rise in autistic spectrum disorders.
Authors Harris L. Coulter, Ph.D., and Barbara Loe Fisher, cofounder and president of the National Vaccine Information Center, wrote in their book A Shot in the Dark, “The phenomenon of early-infantile autism was first observed and discussed by physicians in the early 1940s, a few years after the pertussis vaccine became more widely used in the United States.” Noting “…the brain appears to be isolated from the senses in autistic children,” the authors wrote:
The parallel to certain cases of pertussis vaccine damage is striking…Both autism and minimal brain damage [ADD or ADHD], as discussed previously,
suggest a breakdown in the brain’s ability to receive and process information
through the senses. The relationship of autism to pertussis-vaccine
damage deserves further investigation
Some autistic children share another trait with the minimally brain damaged—
a tendency to be hyperactive with all of the associated emotional and
behavioral problems.28
Very recent research by Dr. Mary Megson pointedly implicates the pertussis vaccine as a possible toxic cause of autism that “inserts a G-alpha protein defect” into genetically at-risk children. This appears to be particularly linked to individuals with a family history of night blindness or irritable bowel syndrome.29
Jamie Murphy, author of What Every Parent Should Know About Childhood Immunization, noted, “Because whooping cough has become milder in some countries of Europe since about 1970, and because of the ineffectiveness of the triple vaccine, DPT vaccinations were halted in West Germany in 1976 and in Sweden in 1979.”30
Although reported cases of whooping cough rose after the immunizations were discontinued, the death rate from the disease remained at the same low levels present when the immunizations were in full swing. Perhaps more importantly, the rates of death or health complications from the DPT shot dropped to zero. Pertussis appears to be a cyclical disease with cases rising in numbers every three or four years—whether its victims are vaccinated or not.31
Japanese researchers responded to the DPT crisis by developing a much safer “purified pertussis vaccine” in the late 1970s, but U.S. public health officials waited fifteen years before licensing the acellular pertussis vaccine for American babies. Unfortunately, the DtaP vaccine is more expensive than the DPT vaccine, and the FDA and vaccine manufacturers refused to take the crude and more dangerous whole cell pertussis vaccine off the market.32
This action was even less defensible when clinical trials held in the previous decade demonstrated that the DtaP vaccine were 82 to 96 percent effective, while the crude and toxic DPT vaccine demonstrated a wildly erratic efficiency rate bouncing between 36 to 96 percent. Serious reactions continued to result with the DtaP vaccine, but they occurred significantly less often.33
Tetanus is a nervous-system disorder spawned by spores trapped in wounds that have not been properly cleaned. It causes body muscles to tighten and jaw muscles to go into spasms; it also triggers convulsions, headaches and depression. Untreated, the condition produces death 50 percent of the time. With proper treatment, victims completely recover in 80 percent of all cases.
Evidently, the disease is virtually 100 percent avoidable when wounds are properly cleaned. Tetanus declined among the military personnel from 205 cases per 100,000 wounds in the Civil War to .44 cases per 100,000 wounds during World War II. The disease was rapidly declining long before a vaccine was developed. Throughout World War II, only twelve cases of tetanus were recorded! (Four of the cases involved individuals who were “adequately” vaccinated.) Perhaps this explains why some doctors report that the tetanus toxoid (the “safe” version of the toxin used as a vaccine) does not provide protection.34
The tetanus vaccine can have some painful complications, the most serious being demyelinating neuropathy (a degenerative condition of the nervous system), anaphylactic shock and seriously lowered T-lymphocyte reactions, a crucial component of a healthy immune system. It appears this is yet another example of forcing a little-needed vaccine with potentially harmful side effects into the bodies of young children in the name of “100 percent immunization” without justification.
The newest addition to the list of mandated childhood vaccinations may prove the most difficult to understand. The logic of wanting to protect children from polio or whooping cough is understandable.
In my opinion, there seems to be far less logic for forcing parents in America to submit their children to the injection of a toxic serum to “protect” them from a liver disease primarily limited to IV drug users and those with multiple sex partners. Also at risk are health workers who are regularly exposed to human blood products and hemophiliacs who are dependent upon frequent blood transfusions.
In 1991, the Centers for Disease Control and the American Association of Pediatricians launched an aggressive campaign to add the hepatitis B vaccine to the list of recommended and government-funded childhood vaccines. The effort was successful, and most of America’s children must receive this toxic serum or be denied access to public education. I personally believe that this effort needlessly placed millions of infants at risk. I will discuss this matter in greater detail later on.
Polio was the scourge of the 1940s, and it was the disease that condemned a U.S. president to a wheelchair. The development of the polio vaccine launched a national high-powered immunization campaign. Ironically, the vaccines developed to “protect” America’s population from polio eventually may have become its most likely cause!
Dr. Jonas Salk, an American physician and microbiologist, introduced a “killed-virus” vaccine against polio in 1955, but the death rate from the disease had already declined 47 percent in the United States from 1923 to 1953. The disease demonstrated a similar decline in England and other European nations as well.
Ironically, the number of reported polio cases was significantly higher after the mass inoculations than before! In fact, they may have more than doubled in the United States as a whole.35 Evidently, the “live virus” vaccine introduced four years later by Albert Sabin was little better. The Washington Post reported in September 1976 that Dr. Jonas Salk had testified that the live-virus vaccine was “the principle if not sole cause” of all reported polio cases in the United States since 1961.36 Even the Centers for Disease Control admitted that the live-virus polio vaccine was the primary cause of polio in the United States!37
If the polio vaccine causes polio and the disease was disappearing on its own, then why did the government demand that we use it?
It has been known for decades that the simiam virus 40 (SV40) grossly contaminated the oral polio vaccine administered to the U.S. school population prior to 1964! One fear is this virus continues to contaminate polio vaccines used by pediatricians today because these vaccines are often made by passing serum products through African green monkey kidney cells. Recent evidence using advanced techniques uncovered molecular evidence of SV40 infections in tissue samples from four children born after 1982.38 What is the significance of this discovery? Since the SV40 virus is a highly carcinogenic (cancer-causing) “latent or persistent monkey virus” known to cross-transmit to humans, it is feared that this virus can cause cancer in human hosts many years after it “hides” in human body cells. This virus is extremely difficult to discover.
According to Leon Chaitow, the English author of Vaccination and Immunisation: Dangers, Delusions and Alternatives:
SV40-contaminated vaccines were used in millions of individuals, and this
micro-organism, which is known to be capable of genetically altering other
virus (especially let it be noted with Epstein-Barr and cytomegaloviruses)
and cellular genetic material, entered the bodies of a generation now in young
and middle adult life.39
Today, polio has all but disappeared. Should the paralytic form of the disease ever become active in someone’s body, doctors do have drugs to deal with it. (Although they have some bad side effects, they appear to be nothing compared to the reported side effects of the polio vaccines!)
If you are disturbed by some of the information provided in this report, you are not alone. The general public is virtually unaware that mandatory vaccinations have harmed or killed so many children over the last four decades that Congress passed the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Acts of 1986, Public Law 99-660, to officially recognize the reality of vaccine-related injuries and deaths.
Its dual purpose was to establish safety provisions (which some claim has essentially degenerated into eager efforts to increase levels of immunization rather than make them safer) and to establish a no-fault federal compensation plan for individuals injured or killed by vaccines and their families.
Barbara Loe Fisher consulted and negotiated with the American Academy of Pediatrics, vaccine manufacturers and legislative staffs to create the no-fault compensation bill that became the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986. She said:
The fact that the [U.S. Claims] Court turns down 75 percent of the claims that are made is primarily due to the vigorous, well-financed opposition
mounted by federal public health officials and Department of Justice
lawyers. Since the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act was passed in
1986, HHS officials and Justice Department lawyers have systematically
gutted the law by passing federal regulations that narrow the criteria that
special masters employed by the U.S. Claims Court may use to make
awards to vaccine-injured children…
As a result, by 1997 there was a $1 billion dollar surplus in the trust fund
that is supposed to be used to provide financial support for individuals
injured by mandated vaccines. Federal health officials continue to take
actions to further limit the number of awards made for vaccine injuries
because they do not want to admit that so many children and adults have
been injured and killed by the vaccines they develop, license, regulate, and
promote for mandatory use by all citizens.40
The fact is that most of the diseases listed above rarely kill under modern health and sanitation conditions. Although these diseases may cause significant discomfort for victims and their families, there is at least some evidence that those who contract such diseases seem likely to fully regain good health if they have access to adequate nutrition, sanitary living conditions and competent medical care if needed.
It is my personal belief—let me emphasis this—it is my personal belief that individuals can often fare better with the disease rather than through childhood immunizations. However, I do not presume to recommend that you adopt the same opinion solely on the basis of this book or any other single source of information.
Conduct your own thorough study of the available medical literature in books, on credible sites on the internet and through consultations with competent health professionals before you make your own decisions.
As you know, my personal belief in the matter of immunizations is definitely a minority opinion among medical doctors and research scientists (in my mind, the existence of even one competent medical professional who shares my concern about vaccinations is enough to make responsible parents think twice about vaccinating their children). Therefore, it is vital that you come to your own conclusions based upon thorough study, consideration and consultation with your family physician.
One statement in the literature I’ve read continues to haunt me. In their chapter describing the evolution of mandatory immunizations in this country, authors Coulter and Fisher said:
Curiously, the United States appears to be the only major Western nation
with compulsory pertussis immunization…In fact, the only part of Europe
where pertussis vaccination is universally imposed is the [former] Soviet
Union and the formerly “iron curtain” countries of Poland, Hungary, and
Mass vaccination in our “free society” is not voluntary. Since the repeal
of the draft in the 1970s, mandatory vaccination remains the only law that requires a citizen to risk his life for his country.41
Perhaps the most alarming aspect of increasingly invasive mass immunizations is that the trend seems to be expanding at the same rate as runaway cancer. Coulter and Fisher warn:
More than 2,000 vaccines are being created in government and drug
company labs, vaccines such as live rotavirus (infant diarrhea), salmonella,
strep, tuberculosis, gonorrhea, herpes, Epstein-Barr virus, hepatitis A, B,
C, D, and E, and cholera. More than 50 different HIV vaccines are being
developed to theoretically prevent AIDS, including a live HIV vaccine that
will be inhaled and followed by an injection a week later. Scientists are creating a genetically engineered super-vaccine to be squirted into the mouths of babies at the moment of birth that will inject raw DNA from 30 to 40 different viruses and bacteria directly into an infant’s cells and
be time-released into the body’s throughout childhood. There is little
question that federal and state health officials will try to pass regulations
legally requiring that all citizens use many of these vaccines, including
the AIDS vaccine.42
Perhaps it would be easier for critics to write off such commentary as reactionary and extreme if we didn’t already have so many examples of such excessive executive force exercised by government employees against tax-paying parents who have little say in the formation of such regulations.
The “100 percent immunization at any cost” mind-set may well undermine the health, long-term welfare and constitutional freedoms of an entire nation if left unchecked. I’m convinced Gordon Steward, a leading European physician and respected professor of community medicine at the University of Glasgow, Scotland, was right when he said, “If the Centers for Disease Control has its way, Americans and their children are going to become human pin cushions.”43
The American public has no place to turn as long as the executive, judicial and legislative branches of government maintain such a close alliance with the medical and pharmaceutical communities that the value of objective “checks and balances” seems to be lost. The most prominent group left out of the “compulsory immunization profits party” may well be the vast majority of trusting American citizens and their children.
The goal of this report is not to persuade you to agree with my personal convictions. It is simply to provide you with some additional facts so you can make an informed decision. It seems that most doctors, educators and public health officials often provide information from only one side of the immunization issue.
Only informed parents have the moral, spiritual and ethical right to make life-and-death decisions concerning their children. For better or for worse, parents have the best shot at truly having their children’s best interests in mind when they consider the pros and cons of childhood immunizations. Educate yourself before the last vestige of parental discretion is taken from you.
Autism—the New Wave
As many as one in every three hundred American children fell victim to a mysterious disorder called “autism” last year that few doctors knew about just fifty years ago.1
More than one-half million Americans have been diagnosed with autism or some form of pervasive developmental disorder (PDD), making it one of the most common developmental disabilities in the nation. It strikes four times as many boys as it does girls, and it crosses all lines of race, ethnicity, social standing, lifestyle and educational levels.2
Dr. Michael J. Goldberg put it this way: “While training as a pediatrician, I was told if I saw one autistic child in a lifetime of practice it would be one too many. What I am seeing today is not the autism I learned about in medical school twenty years ago. What was once a relatively rare disorder is now twenty times more likely to occur.”3
There are differences between “classic autism”—which occurs in only one or two infants per ten thousand births—and the epidemic of new “autistic syndrome” cases that occur in one out of every five hundred children (rates as high as one to two hundred fifty have been suggested) according to Dr. Goldberg.
Parents generally notice that something is wrong in infants with classic autism in the first three to six months of life. Autistic syndrome symptoms, however, generally show up after young children develop normal speech and motor skills, show affection and demonstrate above-average intelligence.
Autism and autism syndrome conditions are still diagnosed according to American Psychiatric Association guidelines listed in the DMS-IV, but Dr. Goldberg says that autism, particularly autistic syndrome, is now considered a medical condition rather than a psychiatric or mental disorder. He believes that a majority if not all cases of autistic syndrome are “immune mediated” (related to dysfunction in the immune or autoimmune system) and are open to medical and nutritional therapy.4
Ironically, many medical and governmental sources downplay the apparent surge of new autism cases by attributing them to “expanded” definitions of autism. Dr. Sam Katz, a pediatrician and professor at Duke University, told Ed Bradley in a 60 Minutes television documentary program: “A child who was called ‘autistic’ in 1971 is only one of a group who would no be called ‘autistic’ in 1999 or 2000. The diagnosis has been greatly broadened.” When asked if there has been an epidemic of autism, he said, “I would hesitate to describe anything as an epidemic of autism.”5
Figures released by California’s Department of Developmental Services (DDS) at this writing have apparently removed all doubt that we are facing a full-scale epidemic. California’s DDS announced that autism is now the number one disability entering its developmental services system!
Autism was once though to be a rare disorder caused by a “refrigerator mother,” and more recently it was thought to be a rare genetic disease. Now, it is classified as the number one disability entering California’s developmental services system at an alarming and accelerated rate, surpassing mental retardation, cerebral palsy, epilepsy and all other conditions similar to mental retardation.
Prior to the epidemic, autism had historically accounted for 3 percent of individuals taken into California’s developmental services system. Today, according to the California Department of Developmental Services, not including PDD, NOS, Asperger’s or any other autistic spectrum disorder, autism accounts for an amazing 37 percent of new intakes.6
The statistics are staggering. California processed 664 new students who were diagnosed with autism and eligible for special services in just one three-month period! This was a 27 percent increase over the same period last year, amounting to an influx of seven “fully autistic” children every day, seven days a week.
California’s overburdened public school system absorbed more children with “level one autism” in the first half of 2001 than in any other year from 1969 through 1998! At this rate, California’s schools will add more than 2,700 additional autistic students to the rolls in this year alone. That is equal to all of the new cases of autism reported in thirteen and one-half years prior to the 1979-1980 school year. It exceeds the total number of autistic students entering the system in all of 1994, 1995 and 1996 combined.
A researcher and branch chief for the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) told a U.S. congressional committee that the number of U.S. children with autism who received special education services increased 556 percent from 1991 through 1997! She described the economic ramifications of the problem as follows:
Local, state and federal education departments spent approximately
$49.2 billion in the 1998-99 school year on special education programs
for children with developmental disabilities. The cost of special
education for a child with autism is often more than $30,000 per year
to the family and the community, and the cost of residential care,
which many of these children require, is $80,000 to $100,000 per year.8
While admitting that autism rates seemed to be increasing at alarming levels, the CDC official attributed the spiraling growth to the broadened definitions of autism, increased awareness of the condition and other factors.
When the Government Reform Committee of the U.S. House of Representatives convened a hearing on “Autism: Present Challenges, Future Needs—Why the Increased Rates?”, the committee chairman shared his own opinion about the alarming rise in autism cases at the beginning of the hearing.
U.S. Representative Dan Burton, whose grandson developed autism within ten days of receiving several immunizations in five shots, was the first to speak at the hearing. He said:
When asked about the increased rates in autism, many will immediately
discount that there even is an increase. Even though the latest statistics
from the Department of Education show increased rates in every state.
Others will say the increase is due to better diagnostic skills. Others will
say it is because the diagnostic category was expanded.
California has reported a 273 percent increase in children with autism
since 1998. As for this increase, 21 percent of all autistic children in
California live in the 29th district.
Florida has reported a 571 percent increase in autism. Maryland has
reported a 513 percent increase between 1993 and 1998. You can’t
attribute all of that to better diagnostic skills.
In 1999, there were 2,462 children ages 3 to 21 in Indiana diagnosed
with autism. That is one-fourth of one percent of all the school children
in Indiana, or one in four hundred. Twenty-three percent of these
children live in the 6th district. This increase is not just better counting.
If we want to find a cure, we must first look to the cause. We must do
this now before our health and education systems are bankrupted, and
before more of our nation’s children are locked inside themselves
with this disease.9
I believe that if alarming numbers such as those for the ADD, ADHD and autism epidemics had hit the media for chicken pox or measles, the nation would have risen up in arms and demanded that something be done.
This is even more alarming when you understand that the outcome for children with autism is often very dismal. Once erroneously called juvenile schizophrenia, the condition was considered absolutely incurable and untreatable. Victims of autism were routinely institutionalized and virtually forgotten in the nation’s mental asylums.
Merriam-Webster’s dictionary defines autism as “a mental disorder originating in infancy that is characterized by self-absorption, inability to interact socially, repetitive behavior and language dysfunction (as echolalia [strictly repetitive or imitative speech, often without regard to the meaning of the words of sounds]).”10
The definition of autism was updated in recent years to include a number of similar disorders collectively called autism syndrome or “Autistic Spectrum Disorders.” According to the Autism-PDD (Pervasive Developmental Disorder) Network, “The diagnosis of autism is made when specified number of characteristics listed in the DSM-IV are present, in ranges inappropriate for the child’s age. Autism diagnosis usually occurs between the ages of three and five.”11
No one knows for certain what causes autism in infants and young children. A growing body of scientific evidence and cataloged reports of personal experiences lend support to key theories about the condition’s primary and secondary sources.
Initially, the medical community rejected its early belief that autism was caused by “refrigerator mothers” who failed to show affection to their children or who were abusive. Later it decided that autism was a psychiatric or mental problem related to mental retardation.
Current research points toward some common risk areas that may potentially cause autism, ADD and ADHD. Researchers appear to be divided into two camps.
The majority considers that autism is related to metabolic or allergic reactions caused by diet, gastrointestinal problems, hormonal imbalances and yeast infestations. The late Dr. Ben F. Feingold and Dr. William G. Crook have provided some invaluable insights into the interaction of allergies and dietary and nutritional factors with metabolic problems associated with ADD, ADHD and autistic spectrum disorders.12 We’ll take a closer look at their findings and recommendations later in this book.
Other medical specialists, such as Dr. Michael Goldberg, believe autism can be traced to the improper function or regulation of the body’s immune system. The condition is complicated by metabolic problems on a secondary level.
In my mind, the most promising cutting-edge research draws from both camps. New findings point to the disruption of “G-alpha protein,” which is a protein crucial to proper brain function and development.
A study by Dr. Mary N. Megson, a board-certified pediatrician and assistant professor of pediatrics at the Medical College of Virgina, suggested that autism may be linked to the pertussis toxin found in the DPT vaccine. She noted in her article:
A study of sixty autistic children suggests that autism may be caused
By inserting a G-alpha protein defect, the pertussis toxin found in the
DPT vaccine, into genetically at-risk children.
…The far-reaching metabolic consequences [of the blocked
neurotransmission it causes] may be enormous, with potential links to
not only autism, but dyslexia, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder
(ADHD), bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, chronic fatigue syndrome,
fibromyalgia, Type II hyperlipidemia, gluten enteropathy, cancer of
the mucous-secreting glands and autoimmune disorders including
muscular dystrophy and rheumatoid arthritis.
Dr. Megson suspects that unrecognized allergic reactions to childhood immunizations combined with the introduction of certain foreign cells ( called antigens) and toxins are culprits in many childhood distresses. The G-alpha protein defect depletes the child’s body of naturally occurring vitamin A, and it disrupts the immune system. Dr. Megson noted a research study conducted by Scrimshaw and others in 1968, that reported the lack of vitamin A is directly linked to infections. The authors of the study said, “No nutritional deficiency in the animal kingdom is more consistently synergistic with infection than that of vitamin A.”14
This view is strongly supported by very recent medical research and international health data collected by UNICEF, a relief organization of the United Nations:
Three separate trials of children hospitalized with measles—one as
early as 1932—showed that children died much less often when
given high-dose vitamin A than those not given supplements. The
consistent results suggest that boosting vitamin A can rapidly help cells
repair and resist infection, thereby saving lives.15
Perhaps most interesting of all, Dr. Megson’s research indicates that a natural form of vitamin A occurring in cod live oil appears to “reconnect” the retinoid receptors in cells, which is critical for vision, sensory perception, language processing and attention. These happen to be key areas damaged in autistic children.
A link between intestinal disorders and autism has been suspected for some time. Previous improvements with some autistic children who received intravenous and sublingual doses of secretin seemed to indicate metabolic problems in the gut. Secretin is a hormone normally present in mammals but conspicuously absent in many autistic children.
Research by Dr. Megson and others reveal this is but part of the problem. Her findings offer hope for children who exhibit autistic symptoms, especially those who are treated early. She described two interesting case histories in her article:
My earliest evidence came from a ten-year old boy diagnosed with
autism by DSM-IV criteria. The patient’s parents suspect he has
been reading since age four, but his inability to communicate made
this unverifiable. Over an eight-year period of regular visits I had
never heard him speak. Standardized IQ tests revealed moderate
mental retardation…
…I started the boy on cod liver oil (5,000 IU of vitamin A, given in
2500 IU/bid) and a gluten-free diet. After one week, he began to
sit farther from the television and to notice paintings on the walls
at home. He had always gone out of his way to follow the sidewalk
and driveway to meet the school bus.
On vitamin A, he began to run across the grass directly from the
front door to the bus. After three weeks, he was given a single
dose of Urocholine, an alpha muscarinic receptor agonist, to increase
bile and pancreatic secretions and indirectly stimulate hippocampal
retinoid receptors. It has minimal cardiac effect, is FDA approved,
has been used safely in children since the 1970s for reflux, and does
not cross the blood-brain barrier, unlike secretin…
Thirty minutes after administration of the Urocholine, the patient,
who was sitting in a chair, swung his feet over the side, pointed
to a glass candy jar on my shelf and said, “May I have the red Jolly
Rancher please?” He had read the label on the candy in the clear jar.
These were the first words he had spoken in eight years and the first
proof he could read. We took him outside and he said, “The leaves,
the leaves on the trees are green! I see! I see!”…
In this child’s case, after several weeks of treatment with vitamin A
in cod liver oil, 3500 IU/day, the Urocholine acted like a switch.
When absorbed, he immediately became socially engaged, made
excellent eye contact, hugged his mother tightly and said, “I love
you so much,” looking her in the face. At that point we both realized
that this boy had a blocked pathway. The change in language and
social interaction was dramatic and immediate. Yet he reverted to
the pre-treatment state of silence when the dose wore off. On lower
daily doses of Urocholine (12.5 mg. bid) along with the vitamin A,
his language and social interactions have continued to progress,
albeit slowly.16
The second case involved a child demonstrating the first signs of an autistic spectrum disorder:
[A mother in Kentucky] was frantic because her nine-month-old
infant had stopped making eye contact, began to stare at lights and
fans, stopped cooing and laughing and no longer turned to sound
after early normal development. The mother reported he was night
blind and had irritable bowel syndrome. By mother’s report, the
infant was weaned and placed on standard formula, which was tolerated
well. An audiological evaluation revealed normal auditory brainstem
responses and tympanograms. The child went to a pediatric ophthalmologist,
who stated the child was farsighted. The exam was otherwise normal.
The doctor was unable to get the infant to track in daylight, but when he
placed an amber screen in front of his eyes he would easily track all
I spoke with the child’s pediatrician who obtained a vitamin A level.
The value was 26ug/dl (normal is 30-90ug/dl). I instructed the mother
to add 0.85 cc of CLO (Vitamins A/D) of cod liver oil to a bottle that
night, and 0.85 cc CLO to a bottle at 11 a.m. the next day. When the
baby woke from his nap, he was back to normal, smiling, laughing,
turning to sound, and tracking objects. As a developmental
pediatrician, I have followed his development. By his mother’s reports,
his receptive and expressive language, cognition, fine and gross motor
skills are all normal for his age of fourteen months. He has remained on
0.85 cc CLO without significant increase in his vitamin A and D
levels. He has had further immunizations without regression.17
At this writing, Dr. Megson was conducting a clinical trial using vitamin A in cod liver oil vs. placebo in a double-blind, crossover study. Once the data is collected from the trial, a second trial will begin using the combination of vitamin A and Urocholine.
Until these and other studies are complete, Dr. Megson’s findings and hypotheses officially should be considered hypothetical and anecdotal, and in no way should be used in place of the informed judgment of your medical providers when making decisions concerning healthcare.
There is hope, but I’m concerned that parents of autistic children may face a tide of negative viewpoints, comments and predictions that continue to dominate the health arena. The Autism-PDD (Pervasive Development Disorder) Network, a major parent support group, warns parents:
The autism prognosis is startlingly grim and consistent across the board
range of studies—about 2 percent will attain normal functioning, with
perhaps 40 percent labeled high-functioning autistic. These high-functioning
autistic [children] generally show some oddities of behavior, and few or no
personal friends. Yet, with appropriate intervention, many of the autism
behaviors can be positively changed, even to the point that the child or
adult may appear, to the untrained person, to no longer have autisim. Like
any other family faced with this diagnosis, as you explore the options and
resources available in your community, you will find on the one hand the
unlimited potential your child has, and, on the other, the many limits others
try to place on their future. This is where a parent, facing a system with
many flaws and pitfalls, must not compromise their vision of their child’s
Things have changed dramatically since the “dark years” when the public rarely heard anything about autism. When it did, autism was characterized as a hopeless mental condition from which there was no return to any measure of normalcy.
Major theatrical releases such as Mercury Rising with Bruce Willis and Rain Man with Tom Cruise and Dustin Hoffman have raised public awareness of the problem. In addition, a number of prominent sports figures and entertainment personalities have launched public campaigns and established nonprofit foundations to fund research and services after their own families were affected by autism. Such high-profile endeavors have brought help and comfort to distraught parents who hear the dreaded diagnosis of autism spoken over their children.
Dr. Robert S. Mendelsohn made an observation that applies directly to anyone seeking hope and help for an autistic or a child with autistic-like symptoms:
…when doctors are compared with other people in evaluating retarded
or other handicapped persons, those who always give the most dismal
predictions and the lowest evaluations are doctors. Nurses are the next
lowest, followed by psychologists. The group that always gives the most
optimistic evaluation is the parents. When I’m faced with a doctor who
tells me a child can’t do certain things and parents who tell me that the
child can do them, I always listen to the parents. I really don’t care which
group is right or wrong. It’s the attitude that counts. Whatever attitude
is reinforced and encouraged will prove true.19
In the meantime, there are things you can do to avoid the G-protein problem. Begin by making sure your children have adequate amounts of vitamin A from cod liver oil. Vitamin A palmitate, the form found in most vitamin supplements, is not easily absorbed by youngsters with the pre-existing digestive problems so common among those whom Dr. Megson believes are most at risk.
If you plan to have your children immunized, wait as long as possible to allow plenty of time for their nervous systems to mature. Space out the injections if possible, and have multiple shots given individually (e.g. MMR and DPT).
If your child is already battling autism or autistic-like symptoms, don’t let despair paralyze you. Aggressively attack the problem on several fronts:
- Adjust your child’s diet to eliminate every potential problem food or substance.
- Make sure your child receives proper amounts of vitamin A from cod liver oil (1 to 2 tablespoons daily) and the natural form of the B-complex vitamins, vitamin C and zinc.
- Early behavioral intervention is crucial for maximum potential. Immediately begin specialized training designed specifically for autistic children. Once your child is diagnosed with autism, he becomes eligible for a wide range of services and educational support. Investigate and get involved in one of the nationally recognized intervention programs specifically designed for autistic children, such as TREATT, the Lovass Method and the “Floor Time” behavioral therapy developed by Dr. Stanley L. Greenspan. Remember that these programs are not mutually exclusive—discover and use the parts of each program that produce results for your child.
- If you suspect your child is allergic to foods, dyes or other elements in your home or environment, have him tested by a reputable healthcare provider, preferably one who specialized in those areas.
- Link up with those who have made the journey before you. Parent support groups and national organizations such as the Autism Society of America, Families for Early Autism Treatment (FEAT) and the Autism-PDD Network can provide valuable information and save you a great deal of needless delay, pain and frustration. Most importantly, they will help you find and receive all the assistance available to you through the local school system and various health agencies in your area. A growing number of private foundations are joining the more traditional government sources funding research and providing services to families with one or more autistic members.
- Resist the temptation to measure your child against others. Focus on helping your child continue on the “learning curve” so he can fulfill his individual potential. No one really knows how far your child can go, so don’t allow anyone to put limits on your child.
- Find qualified home health aides or workers who can bring their specialized services into your home. This will strengthen and reinforce the things your child learns at school, and it will provide a much-needed mental, spiritual and physical break for you as a parent.
All that is needed for many autistic children is the stimulus or boost to “reconnect” their minds with the ability to express their thoughts. When this happens we often see surprising results. For example, Britain’s National Spastic Society invited a nonverbal autistic boy from India to London after he wrote five books in just two years.
Raj Rishi Mukhopadhyay, from the southern city of Bangalore, “bowled over” the Society with his literary genius. The BBC (British Broadcasting Channel) produced a fifty-minute documentary on Raj, and the Telegraph, an Indian newspaper, reported that experts in Britain wanted to study and assess his literary prowess.
Raj’s own writings include books on poetry and a lyrical eighty-page autobiography in English, which talks about how he broke through the barrier of autism and began to negotiate with the world outside.
“He is constantly giving an insight into the feelings of an autist which we never had before,” said a doctor in Bangalore, where, with the help of the Spastic Society of India, the Speech and Hearing Society and, of course, his mother, he has been nurturing his skills.
Raj’s mother first noticed signs of his ability to communicate when he was just four.
“Like most parents, I was frightened of his condition. But I was not ready to give up. I would speak to him constantly and tell stories, whether or not he paid attention. He had a fixation for calendars. Then, one day, I asked him to point out the numbers and he did. I suddenly realized we could communicate with each other,” said Soma Mukhopadhyay, Raj’s mother.
She then started teaching Raj the English alphabet, and soon enough, Raj became a voracious reader.
Today Raj writes prose that can leave the reader spellbound. “Not in abstract existence of the impossible world of dreams but a hope for a concrete dream of this book reaching those who would like to understand us through me…” says the epilogue of Raj’s autobiography.20
Thank God for the gift in your child, and trust Him for the strength to be your child’s most vocal and diligent earthly advocate.
Heavy Metals and Toxic Injections
It is time to add some additional information to our previous discussions of mandatory immunizations in this country. The information represents some of the latest research on the origins of autoimmune diseases and even of ADHD, ADD and autistic spectrum disorders. I must warn you that it is extensive and extremely controversial.
We are about to probe a nightmare of heavy metals and the possible contamination of many of the nation’s immunization serums.
It includes the incredible revelation that for several decades, our state and federal governments have given our children immunizations using vaccines that may have contained highly toxic chemicals. Some are ranked among the government’s “Top Twenty Hazardous Substances.” Under certain circumstances, these substances can maim the body, incapacitate the human brain and nervous system and even kill.
Some who read this section will say I am absolutely wrong. Others will just as enthusiastically declare that I am right. Frankly, I felt compelled to include this information because I’ve seen too many children affected under circumstances too suspicious to sweep under the rug of political correctness. Regardless of its origin, we are experiencing an epidemic of biblical proportions, and something has to change. For my part, I felt honor-bound to provide you with the things I’ve ascertained as a biochemist and health researcher.
Before we go any further, I want to encourage you to examine every statement in this report and in other sources with a critical eye. Seek out more information on this subject from as many reputable sources as you can find, and draw your own informed opinions. Only then should you make decisions concerning vaccinations for yourself and your family. Ultimately, the decision is yours, so get the facts before you act.
To be honest, the majority opinion in the medical world is contrary to many of the things presented in this section—even though they are based on scientific research conducted by licensed physicians and distinguished medical research scientists. Doctors and scientists do disagree, and they do it often. There are obviously arguments to be made on both sides of this topic as well. This makes it even more crucial for us as parents to be informed decision makers.
The very idea that poisonous substances may be included in childhood vaccines can catch even medical professionals by surprise. Psychologist Bernard Rimland, founder of the Autism Research Institute in San Diego, California, and the parent of an adult autistic child, described his reaction when he first learned about the contents of some of the vaccines being injected into American children.
It happened in the late 1960s when one of Dr. Rimland’s graduate students wrote a research paper noting that mercury poisoning mimicked many of the symptoms of autism. The student mentioned that acrodynia, or pink disease, caused a number of symptoms (including those of autism) that baffled the medical community until the cause was finally discovered: mercury contained in teething lotions and diaper powders! Dr. Rimland said:
I remember thinking, Interesting…another mystery solved. But only of
historical interest. How wrong I was!
I had assumed, very naively as it turned out, that the FDA and the drug
manufacturers would henceforth scrupulously avoid using mercury. I
was aware that minute amounts of mercury, along with other toxins,
such as aluminum and formaldehyde, were used as preservatives in
vaccines,but, after all, I assumed, since everyone now knew that these
substances are extremely toxic, those highly sophisticated vaccine-
makers would not possibly use amounts which even approach
dangerous levels. Bad guess!1
Despite official studies claiming otherwise, many leaders feel convinced that there is a clear “cause and effect” relationship between certain childhood immunizations and the sudden onset of autism and other learning disabilities. Included among them is U.S. Representative Dan Burton from Indiana, who noted during congressional hearings that his grandson developed autistic symptoms after receiving a round of vaccinations. Representative Burton estimated that his grandson had received forty-one times the amount of mercury considered safe for adults—and all in one day!2
According to the “Position Paper of the Consensus Conference on the Mercury Detoxification of Autistic Children” released by the Autism Research Institute, “Some infants have been given, in one day, as much as one hundred times the maximum dosage of mercury permitted by the Environmental Protection Agency’s standards, [which are] based on the weight of an adult.” The paper noted that an infant’s system is much less capable of dealing with toxins than an adult’s.3
The source of mercury in vaccine serums is thimerosal, a preservative that consists of approximately 50 percent mercury. Although the FDA asked drug makers to begin removing thimerosal from vaccines in 1998, fifty vaccines containing the preservative are still in use at this writing!4 (Note: The MMR vaccine is also controversial for its arguably dangerous measles virus, but this multiple vaccine does not contain mercury in the form of thimerosal.)
Dr. Rimland cited two studies confirming the risks associated with vaccines containing mercury:
In one study, a single injection of hepatits B vaccine significantly raised
blood mercury levels in fifteen premature and fifteen full-term infants,
and mercury levels were markedly higher in the preemies. Another study,
by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, found a slight, but
statistically significant, association between mercury from vaccines and
neurological disorders.5
Most parents do not want to do away with the immunization program, but they do want to make sure their children are not exposed to unsafe vaccines. The problem appears to be that almost any negative finding or theory that may lower the national vaccination rate is quickly attacked and silenced for fear it may harm the national immunization program.
In my mind, the clear short-term and long-term danger to our children’s health far outweighs any government concern over the “success” of a federal immunization program!
It is a fact that mercury is ranked number three in the “Top 20 Hazardous Substances ATSDR/EPA Priority List” published annually by the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry of the Centers for Disease Control!
When you realize the ATSDR lists a total of 275 hazardous substances, it becomes clearer than ever just how dangerous this heavy metal can be—especially to the young.
What is this toxic heavy metal doing in a vaccine serum being injected into the bodies of little children in this country? This isn’t 1869 or even 1925—we are supposedly technologically advanced. Shouldn’t we know better?
The United States currently has a very high mass immunization rate. Most people believe that is very good news. Nevertheless, some fear that America’s children have been exposed to potentially damaging levels of mercury and other toxic materials. Those materials include aluminum and formaldehyde. Formaldehyde is a powerful chemical functioning as the primary component of embalming fluid. It is used to make many building materials such as plywood, and it is used in the manufacture of permanent press clothing, dyes, inks and explosives.
We have all been exposed to potentially dangerous levels of hazardous chemicals. In 1982, the Consumer Product Safety Commission banned the use of foam insulation made with urea-formaldehyde in homes and school buildings. It was considered that formaldehyde vapors from such products were poisonous, even at levels as low as .8 parts per million!7 The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) recommends an exposure limit of 0.016 parts per million for adults in the workplace.8
What about liquid formaldehyde in childhood injections? Who wants to believe the most serious exposure of all to our kids would come from an injection of toxins directly into the bloodstream as part of a government disease-prevention program?
The FDA finally did something to stop the use of mercury in vaccines in 1998, but only after informed parents began to make their voices heard in Congress and the national media. It took an incredible amount of effort, courage and sheer willpower to overcome the medical and governmental “Goliath.” The shadow of the giant is still there, however, and ADHD, ADD and autistic spectrum cases continue to flood America’s school systems and medical institutions. That is because a great number of mercury-containing vaccines continue to be used in this country.
Toxic metals and chemicals are taking a toll apart from the vaccines. Dr. William G. Crook mentioned a few of the environmental hazards playing into the ADHD and hyperactivity problem in the book he wrote with Laura Stevens, Solving the Puzzle of Your Hard-to-Raise Child:
Before the Clean Water Act was enacted in 1972, oceans, rivers and
other bodies of water were commonly used as dumping grounds for
some of the most toxic substances imaginable, including arsenic,
cadmium, mercury, lead, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and toxic
The late Ben F. Feingold, M.D. made this amazing statement about the proliferation of potentially harmful chemicals in 1975 in his landmark book Why Your Child Is Hyperactive:
In 1971, the Stanford Research Institute, under contract to the
National Cancer Institute, began work on a system to rank
chemicals by their estimated hazard to man. I have been informed
by Mr. Arthur McGee, who is in charge of the SRI studies, that
since 1839, when organic chemistry began, approximately three million chemicals have been synthesized—compounds which never existed in nature. Of these chemicals, it is estimated that over
30,000 are currently in use for all purposes (industrial, medicinal,
agricultural, etc.). Although 5,000 of these compounds have had
some tests for carcinogenicity, only 2,000 have been “reliably tested”
as to whether they are a cause of cancer.
Of the 30,000 chemicals in use today, over 3,800 occur in our foods
as additives. Some of the additives have been studied for carcinogenesis,
mutagenesis and blastogenesis, but not a single one of the synthetics
used in our food has been subjected to the rigid investigations required
for licensing drugs.10
Apparently, scientists, vaccine makers and physicians have known about the highly toxic characteristics of mercury and formaldehyde for many decades. Yet they continued to use and dispense relatively high levels of mercury in the form of thimerosal to small children through our nation’s compulsory vaccination program. They also use a form of formaldehyde in the production of a number of major vaccines to this day.
Formaldehyde, in the form of “formalin,” is a 37 percent solution of gaseous formaldehyde with small amounts of methanol. It “is the chemical of choice to inactivate the viruses used in the production of polio, yellow fever, influenza and hepatitis B vaccines,” according to Jamie Murphy, author of What Every Parent Should Know About Childhood Immunization.11
Murphy also said formalin is used to detoxify diphtheria and tetanus toxins, transforming them into “toxoids” in the process. It has been shown to cause allergic reactions, irritation and tumors in humans. In addition, it has produced squamous cell carcinomas (cancers) in the nasal cavities of rats.12 Although government scientists and medical authorities undoubtedly know about these studies, they don’t seem to be worried about “a little carcinogen” being injected into children. Do they know something we don’t know?
The only tests I’ve uncovered for toxicity involved the three usual methods of entry into the body—inhalation, skin contact and ingestion. No one seems to have any data for the internal effects of injected formalin, but research has shown that an adult will die three hours after ingesting (drinking) just one ounce of the stuff.13
Perhaps Jamie Murphy offers the best summary of the risks involved with formaldehyde as a component in most of America’s childhood vaccines, by asking who…
…would consider using a hazardous waste, carcinogenic in rats, used in
the manufacture of inks, dyes, explosives, wrinkle-proof fabrics, home
insulation, and as a major constituent of embalming fluid, and inject it
into the delicate body of an infant? What could formaldehyde, aluminum,
phenol, mercury, or any number of other deadly chemical substances
used in vaccines possibly have to do with preventing disease in children?14
Murphy noted that three researchers conducted a study in 1971 to determine the toxicity levels of seven compounds widely used as preservatives or extracting agents for vaccines: Merthiolate (thimerosal), benzethonium chloride, methylparaben, phenol red, pyridine, ethylene glycol and ethylene chlorohydrin.
He writes, “All seven chemicals produced tumors not only at the injection site, but also in the parts of the body…Can there be any doubt that at least three chemicals used in vaccines—thimerosal, benzethonium chloride, and aluminum—are probably causes of induration [hard nodules that appear at the injection site], fibromas [fibrous benign tumors], fibrosarcomas [malignant tumors likely to have a fatal outcome], granulomas, and injection site tumors?”15
Some of the other material from which vaccines are made may surprise you according to Leon Chaitow, author of Vaccination and Immunisation: Dangers, Illusions and Alternatives (published in Great Britain):
The material from which vaccines are made is often quite unsettling
to contemplate. For example (partial list):
- Diphtheria toxin and antitoxin is derived from putrefying horse blood.
- Pertussis vaccine is taken from mucus from throats of infected children.
- Typhoid vaccine is derived from decomposed fecal material, taken from typhoid victims.
- Salk polio serum was taken from the infected monkeys’ kidneys.
- The discredited vaccine, used ineffectively against swine flu, which had such dreadful effects on the recipients, was derived
from infected rotten eggs.16
As a thinking person, university-trained biochemist and concerned parent, I have to wonder why government officials and key medical leaders continue to ignore these concerns. In my opinion, such clear scientific evidence requires us to rethink our position on the true value of compulsory immunizations in their present state.
An apparent conflict of interest may have a direct effect on what actually happens in this area. Naturally, most medical and governmental leaders want to preserve their reputations and the status quo. Many in the national educational system want to protect the lucrative subsidies local districts receive from government immunization incentive programs. On the other hand, we want to preserve the lives, health and future or our children.
Something or someone must “give” in this situation, and the pressure from informed parents and increasingly bold scientific and medical “dissenters” continues to grow. While the official denials mount, the runaway epidemic of ADHD, ADD and autistic spectrum disorders mounts even faster.
This entire debate seems even more risky when you consider just how little it takes to damage or influence the developing nervous systems of growing children. In my mind, it amounts to arguing whether we should give our children just one cup or an entire gallon of unleaded gasoline with their school lunches. This stuff seems unsafe in any amount.
Dr. Feingold described the infinitesimal amount of chemical substance needed to dramatically influence the human nervous system in Why Your Child is Hyperactive:
So little is known of the nervous system that even conjecture about the mechanism is difficult. However, it is known that a number of natural chemicals in the body operate on the nervous system. They include serotonin, dopamine, norepinephrine and epinephrine, a class of substances derived from amino acids and called biogenic amines…They are considered to be neurotransmitters, meaning that they carry impulses at nerve junctions—from one nerve to another.
[…concerning research to find out what amount of thyrotropin-releasing factor (TRF) is required to create activity in the thyroid
…From this mass of fifty tons [of sheep brain fragments] Dr. Guilleman extracted one milligram of pure TRF and then found that this product was active and stimulating at 1 to 5 nanograms, 1 to 5 billionths of a gram. In the pituitary culture systems, he found that the product was active at 50 picograms, or 50 trillionths of a gram.
I remain stunned by the exquisitely infinitesimal amount of activator—stunned that any substance of 50 trillionths of a gram could react in the human body.
If it only takes 50 trillionths of a gram of TRF to affect the human body, what happens when growing bodies of American school children are subjected to highly toxic materials injected into the blood and muscles in government-mandated vaccinations?
When the Nobel Laureate and eminent Stanford University scientist Linus Pauling was asked what amount of a compound is required for sensitization in the human system, he bluntly replied, “A single molecule.” As Dr. Feingold noted, “Molecules vary in size, but a million small ones can be gathered on a pinhead…we cannot safely predict that any part per million or billion or trillion will not have an effect on certain individuals or on all individuals.”18
The good news is that it is possible to remove harmful heavy metals such as mercury or lead from the human body, a procedure that has produced excellent results in children. If you suspect your child experienced an adverse reaction to a vaccination or has been exposed to harmful substances in another way, then the first step is to determine whether or not your child’s body contains dangerous levels of heavy metals or chemicals known to accumulate in body tissues.
Call my office at 1-800-726-1834 for more information about hair sample analysis for mercury, lead, cadmium, arsenic, antimony, etc.
I strongly recommend that you have your child tested for intestinal dysbiosis, or the abnormal function of the intestinal system. This is a particularly common condition among children with ADHD, ADD and autistic spectrum disorder, which leads many to believe it may be a contributing or primary cause of these conditions in some cases.
These conditions often occur or are aggravated by a severe yeast overgrowth in the digestive tract that should be treated before any effort is made for mercury detoxification. Even this process may significantly improve or remove many hyperactivity symptoms, according to the research and clinical experience of Dr. William G. Crook and researchers consulting with the Autism Research Institute (ARI), among others.19
The Autism Research Institute gathered together twenty-five physicians, chemists, toxicologists and scientists to determine the best way to remove heavy metal contaminants—mercury in particular—from the human body. These medical professionals had treated more than three thousand patients for heavy metal poisoning, including fifteen hundred autistic children. The scientific attendees had a combined total of ninety years of research experience in the toxicology of mercury and other heavy metals.
The consensus conference considered nine different detoxification protocols and arrived at a solid consensus or agreement on the best and safest procedure. The ARI has published the official results in a document titled “ARI Mercury Detoxification Consensus Position Paper.” This procedure must be done by qualified health professionals. You may contact the ARI directly for more information at 4182 Adams Avenue, San Diego, California 92116, or download the “ARI Mercury Detoxification Consensus Position Paper” at
Once the dysfunction caused by heavy metals, harmful chemical deposits and yeast overgrowth have been treated in a child’s digestive system, nutritional therapies will help the child stay healthy and improve in many areas of behavior and learning ability.
The ARI protocol recommends the supplementation of the following vitamins after the mercury detoxification procedure is complete. This is but a very brief summary of the more detailed recommendations provided in the Defeat Autism Now! (DAN!) Mercury Detoxification Consensus Group Position Paper: | ||||||||||||||||
Note: The ARI consensus paper also recommends that you avoid the following substances due to their suspected interaction with mercury or other heavy metals. Consult with your medical provider before using them: cysteine/cystine, n-acetyl-L-cysteine (NAC), chlorella or other algae.
Call my office at 1-800-726-1834 to order the supplements recommended above. We also carry a great product for children that detoxifies the system and removes the mercury and other heavy metals from the body.
Dr Ted Broer