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Top Ten Cereals never to Eat. Avoid these Products like the Plague!

By now, nearly everyone interested in healthy living is aware of the recent research providing viable proof that Monsantos GMO round up ready corn causes cancer tumors and an increase risk of premature death in laboratory experiments.

 Proposition 37 -- which seeked to label GMOs in foods -- got a massive amount of support, but it was still not enough to beat the multi million dollar monsanto lobbyist.

Toxic Splenda is now showing possible Neurotoxic Properties in research study!

It seems like every few months a new study is published on the REAL truth about splenda and its substantial side effects. Yet, it is still marketed to the world as a extremely safe, side effect-free alternative to high caloric sweeteners like sugar and honey.   

Fitness and Exercise with Austin and Lana Broer

This is a page that we are starting to help and show others how to eat, train and live healthy. We will contiue to update this as we get more pictures and ideas.


These are a few pictures from our best friends wedding down in Marco island plus come contest pics. It doesnt matter where you go, you can always find a place to exercise.


This is a Death Sweetener! And Its not Aspartame. Never use This.

Almost 20 years ago I was contacted by the maker of aspartame to stop speaking badly about their product…I didn't stop!   Now the whole world who reads, cares about their health and is educated, no longer drinks or eats products made with aspartame or equal also known as NutraSweet. It causes brain cancer, memory loss and blindness. This list of side effects goes on and on...

Migraines May Cause More Than Temporary Pain: Study Reveals Lasting Brain Damage

So, you think your chronic migraine headaches are simply an aggravation but in reality, they may be taking a permanent toll on your brain. According to a recent study, recurring headaches of any kind—especially the aura type—pose a major threat to your overall long-term brain health. “Traditionally, migraine has been considered a benign disorder without long-term consequences for the brain,” said study author Messoud Ashina, MD, PhD, with the University of Copenhagen in Denmark.

Two steps to help avoid Parkinsons. This is important information. All new!

 Parkinson's disease is awful.  Anyone living with it will attest to the destructive nature of this disease.
It has been a while since I have written on Parkinson’s. In earlier emails I stressed the importance of avoiding pesticides and herbicides. In this email  I will  address Parkinson’s and solvent exposure.

Is your family at risk from the killer respiratory virus sweeping the nation? All New urgent.

There has been a massive surge in the virus EV-D68 which  is sending hundreds if not potentially thousands of children to hospitals across Missouri, Colorado, Kansas, Utah and eight other states. "In Kansas City, about 475 children were recently treated at Children's Mercy Hospital, and at least 60 of them received intensive hospitalization," reports CNN.

CNN goes on to report:

Fluoride, Teeth, and the Atomic Bomb by Chris Bryson & Joel Griffiths

Introduction: The following article was commissioned by the Christian Science Monitor in the spring of 1997. Despite much favorable comment from editors, and full documentation, the story remains unpublished by the Monitor. By any yardstick, this report was an award-winning scoop for any national paper. The report offers a glimpse into the history of fluoride, a bio-accumulative toxic that Americans ingest every day. The authors, Griffiths and Bryson, spent more than a year on research.
